Chapter 37

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Jason's POV

It's been a few days since Jay's little breakdown. We have been getting on better. I mean I still go the warehouse where my gang have meetings and where we plan what we are going to do but thank goodness Jay has still have no idea. Anyway, today me and Jay are starting to plan our wedding. *happy dance*. So, here I am sitting on the sofa waiting for Jay as the wedding planner is going to be coming in about 5 minutes.

"Jay, are you ready yet? The wedding planner is going to be here" I shouted at him.

"Am coming" He shouted.

A few minutes later he came.

"Finally" I said.

"What. Be happy am ready on time" He said making me chuckle.

*Ding Dong*

"I'll get it" I said and stood up from the sofa and went to open the door.

I opened the door and their stood a women who I am guessing is the wedding planner.

"Hi, come in" I said to her

She then walked in and we then walked to the dining room.

"My name is Jason and this is my fiancé Justin" I said to her.

"Nice to meet you guys. My name is Alyssa" She said.

"So, shall we get started" She said.

"Yh" We said.

*Skip 3 hours later*

After 3 tiring hours we have figured out our venue, cake, invitations and colour theme. Our colour theme is blue and white. I can't wait to get married now.

"Thank you so much for coming" I said to her and then walked her to the door.

"Your welcome" She said.

"Can I add another thing to the list" I said to her.

"Sure" She said.

"Well, I want to invite some beliebers to our wedding and I wanted then to wear a royal blue colour dress however I need to ask his manager if I would be allowed and about all the details" I said.

"Well, first get the details and then we will go on from their" She said.

"Ok, Thank you" I said.

"Your welcome. Bye" She said.

"Bye" I said.

After she left I closed the door and walked back into the dinining room to Jay.

"Babe, am just going to Scooter's because I need to ask him something. I will be back in a bit" I said to him.

"Ok. Can I have a kiss?" He asked pouting.

"Of course you can baby" I said.

I then walked up to him and gave him a kiss.

"Am going now. Bye. Love you" I said to him.

"Bye and love you too babe" He said.

I then walked out the house and drove to Scooter's.

*Scooter's house*

I got to Scooter's house and rang the doorbell. Scooter then opened the door.

"Hey Jason. Come in" He said.

"Hey" I said and walked in.

"So, what can I do for you"? He asked.

"Well, for mine and Justin's wedding I wanted invite some beliebers as I now that it would mean a lot to him" I said.

"I like that idea. So, how are we going to invite beliebers because their are 52,000,000 beliebers around the world" He said.

"Why don't we hold a competition" I suggested.

"That's a great idea but we have to make sure Justin does not find out" He said and I nodded.

"I know. We can hold a competition where all beliebers go meet at the staples centre and they have a test about Justin" I said.

"What do you mean have a test about Justin?" He asked confused.

" I mean a test where all the questions are about Justin's favourite food, colour etc" I said.

"Yh, that's a great idea" He said.

"Well, I can tweet beliebers telling them to meet at the staples centre" I said.

"You do that but how many beliebers do you want to invite?" He asked.

"About 30 to 50" I said.

"Ok, well get tweeting and make sure that Justin does not find out" He said sternly.

I then got my phone out and logged into twitter.

Attention to all beliebers. Please meet at the staples centre at 12pm tomorrow. Explanation for this will be told during your arrival.

I then tweeted it and logged out.

"Well, I have tweeted it and I told them to meet tomorrow at 12pm" I said.

"Ok, well come to my house at 11am" He said.

"Ok, bye Scooter and thank you for this. I really appreciate it" I said.

"It's ok and I now how much it would mean to him. By. See you tomorrow" He said.

I then left his house and got into my car.

'Let's just hope that tomorrow goes well' I thought and drove back home.


Hey guys. Here is another long chapter for you guys. Hope you enjoy and if you have any ideas please inbox or comment. Thank you so much for supporting me it means a lot. Also, I would like to inform you guys that chapter 36 is on private and only people that follow me will be able to read it because of the R rated part. Am sorry guys but I hope you enjoy this chapter. Love you all <3.

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