Chapter 16

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Jason's POV

The next morning I woke up to my alarm ringing. I checked the time and it was 7:15am. I got out of bed , went downstairs and made some breakfast. I made some pancakes and coffee. I then sat down and switched the tv on. I ate my breakfast whilst watching E News!

Worldwide superstar Justin Bieber and former boyfriend Jason McCann of 7 months have brought a house together in California. They were seen together at LAX airport on June 20th. Do you think marrige-

I turned off the tv because they all talk bullshit. I checked the time and it was 7.35am. I washed my dishes and went to take a shower. After I took a shower I wore my trousers and shirt. I got my tie and tried to do it but you see the thing is I can't do ties.

"Fucking bullshit" I muttered angrily.

"What's the matter baby"? Jay asked in his raspy sleeping voice which I found extremely sexy.

"Sorry, I did'nt mean to wake you up" I said feeling guilty I woke my baby up.

"it's ok, I was awake watching you fight with the tie" he said laughing.

"it's not funny , I can't do tie's" I said feeling embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed , here let me do it for you" he said,

He then got out of bed and did my tie for me and gave me a kiss. I then wore my blazer and looked in the mirrior to make sure I looked ok. ' I look so fucking smart' I thought to myself.

"You look so handsome" he said.

"Thanks" I said.

I looked at the time and it was 8.10am. 'well, time for work' I thought.

"I got to go baby, I love you" I said.

"Bye babe, love you too" he said.

I then gave him a kiss and headed downstairs. I got my car keys , phone , ray bans and briefcase and left the house. I got into my range rover and left for work.

Justin's POV

After Jason left I went downstairs and made some breaskfast. After I made some pancakes and got some orange juice I sat down and ate it. Whilst I was eating someone entered the house. 'who could that be' I thought to my self.


'Well, that answers my question' I thought.

"Hey Sel, how the hell did you get into my house?" I aksed curiously.

"Jason gave me a key" she said.

"oh, well what's up? I asked.

"I have a day off and James is in NY because he has an interview so I thought I would come here and keep you company as Jason is at work" she said and smiled.

"Oh ok, how is James" ? I asked.

James is Sel's boyfriend. they have been together for a year and a half now.

" He is good but we both have busy scheduales but we make it work" she said.

"Tht's good" I said.

"Wanna go shopping"? she asked.

"Do we have to" I whined.

"Pwease" she asked in a baby voice.

"Fine" I said even though I knew I was going to regret it.

"Yay" She said and gave me a hug.

"let me just go get chnaged" I said.

"Ok" she said.

I then went upstairs and went to change into my clothes.

*5 Minutes later*

I came back down and I went over to Sel.

"Ready to go"? I aksed.

"Yh" she said.

I then grabbed my car keys , phone and ray bans and we left the house.

Jason's POV

So, I have arrived and I was met by Sarah.

"Hello, Mr McCann, Welcome to your first day of your new job" She said.

"Thank you" I said.

"Well, I shall show you around and you will then interview people to be your assistant" she said.

"I thought interviews were on the 2nd of July" I asked confused.

" They were but they changed it to today" she said.

"Ok" I said

*5 hours later*

Well, I have just finished interviewing people to be my assistant and I am knackered. ' Going to be a tough decision' I thought. Sarah finished showing me around 4 hours ago and interviews took place for 4 hours. I was just about to go and grab some paper work when my phone rang.


J- Hello

B- Hey babe

J - Hey baby, what's up?

B - Just finished shopping with Sel. I tell you that women can shop.

J - Wow, I feel sorry for you

B - I know, anyway how is your first day?

J - Tiring, I just finished interviewing people to be my assistant.

B- Aww, well I will see you in a few hours.

J- Ok, Love you, bye

B- Love you too, bye.

*end of conversation*

After I finished talking to Jay I looked over the application forms to see who I will pick.

* 2 hours later*

Well, 2 hour later I finally finished choosing who my new assistant will be. I looked at the time and it was 10:30pm.'Wow, today has been a long day' I thought. I told one of the employers to contact my new assistant Rose Edwards and to tell her she starts tomorrow. After that I got all my things and left to go home.


I got home and it was 11pm. Their was traffic so I got home a bit late. I went upstairs and I saw that Jay was asleep. I went to take a shower. After I took a shower I wore my pjs and brushed my teeth. I then got into bed and kissed Jay's cheek.

"I love you" I whispered and then I fell asleep.


Thank you for voting and reading my book. I really appreciate it. I will try to update as much as I can however tomorrow I go back to college so I thought I would do a double update today. I will be updating more often when I finish college which will be at the end of May but I will still try to update as much as I can. Inbox or comment if you have any questions. Thank you again.

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