Chapter 13

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Jason's POV

I woke up the next morning to someone shouting. I get out of bed and checked the time. It was 9:30am. 'To early' I thought. I then went to the dining room to check what all the shouting was about. Their stood Scooter and Jay arguing.

"YOU SAID 2 MONTHS, NOT 6 FUCKING MONTHS" Jay shouted angrily.


He then left the bus and Scooter signed frustratedly.

"I will talk to him after he has cooled down" I said to Scooter.

"Thanks" he said and left the room.

Mia then entered the room.

"Morning McCann" Mia said.

"Morning Mia, I need to talk to you" I said seriously.

"What's wrong McCann"? she asked.

"Well, you see am moving in with Jay" I said.

"Awww, am so happy for you" she said.

"Yh, well you see the thing is were moving to California" I said.

"Oh" she said disappointedly.

"But, I will come down and see you and you can come down and see me any time" I said.

"Am happy for you. Have you told your brother"? she asked

"Yh, he was happy for me" I said.

"So, when are you moving"? she asked

"After tour finishes" I said

"Ok, well am going to get ready" she said and then left the room.

After Mia left the room I went to look for Jay. I couldn't find him anywhere so I texted him hoping he would reply.

To: My baby

From: Jase

Where are you Jay? Am worried about you.

I waited for a few minutes and he replied.

From: My baby

To: Jase

Am at the arena.

I then left the bus and headed towards the arena.


I was about to enter the arena when I got a phone call. I took my phone out of my pocket and accepted the call.


J - Hello

S - Hello, Mr McCann, This is Sarah Smith speaking from Sarah's fashionista. I am calling because I have come across some of your design and I would like to offer you a job?

J - Wow, erm could I like call you back tomorrow.

S - Sure Mr McCann.

J - Ok, thanks, bye.

S - Bye.

*end of conversation*

After I finished the phone call I was shocked that the 'Sarah Smith' offered me a job at her company. I mean her company is so popular and I have to talk to Jay about it. 'Such a hard decision' I thought.

I then entered the arena and I saw Jay sitting on the piano. I then walked up to him and sat down next to him.

"Jay baby, what wrong"? I asked.

"Scooter wants me to go on tour for another 4 months" he said.

"I thought you would be happy" I said.

"I am, but I just wanted to spend some time with you" he said.

"Just remember all the beliebers you will be performing for" I said.

"Your right, plus you will be their" he said smiling.

"Yh, about that, I have to tell you something" I said scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"What's up"? he asked.

"I got offered a job by Sarah Smith" I said.

"'THE 'Sarah Smith" he said emphasised 'the'

"Yh, she said that she has seen my designs and she thought they were amazing but I told her that I would call her back tomorrow to accept the job or not" I said.

"Then that means you won't be on tour and we won't see each other for 4 months" he said disappointedly.

"Yh, but we can skype, call , text and visit each other" I said.

"You really want the job don't you?" he asked.

"Yh, I mean it's a great opportunity" I said.

"Then you should accept it" he said.

"What about you and your tour"? I asked.

"Don't worry about me, as you said we can Skype, call, visit as text other other" he sad.

"I love you so fucking much" I said.

"I love you so much as well" he said and gave me a kiss.


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