Chapter 14

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Jason's POV

I woke up the next morning at 9am. Jay was still sleeping so I kissed his cheek and quietly got out of bed and left the room. I then rang Sarah to tell her that I am accepting the job she is offering me.

Convo -

S - Hello, Sarah Smith speaking.

J- Hello, Sarah, This is Jason McCann.

S - Ah, Mr McCann, what can I do for you?

J- I called to tell you that I would like to accept the job you have offered me.

S - Oh, that's great, I shall tell my assistant to send you all the details via email,

J- Ok, thank you, bye.

S - Bye,

*end of conversation*

After I finished talking on the phone with Sarah I got my MacBook and checked my emails. I clicked on the email from Sarah and read it.

To, Mr McCann

Thank you for accepting the job. You will be working in California. You will have your own assistant and interviews will take place on the 2nd July. Your job will start on the 28th June and you will have your own department which you will be in charge of. We will have meeting every 2 weeks. You will have to dress professionally and you will be paid $80,140 a year. You will start work at 9am till 7pm. Please ring me if you have any questions.

Thank you

Sarah Smith

After reading the email I turned my MacBook off and went to make some breakfast for me and Jay. Whilst I was making pancakes I felt a pair of arms around my waist.

"Morning babe" Jay said whilst kissing my neck.

"Morning Jay" I said.

We then sat down and ate our breakfast.

"When is your last concert"? I asked.

"19th june" he said.

"So, when are we moving to California."? I aksed.

"23rd June, what's with all the questions babe?" Jay asked chucking.

"I start my new job on the 28th June" I said.

"At least I will be their for your first day" Jay said smirking.

"Yh, when do you go back on tour"? I asked.

"12th July" he said.

After we ate our breakfast we went to the arena so Jay could rehearse for his concert tonight.


We have arrived at the arena and I wanted to talk to Scooter about my job and about keeping an eye on Jay when I am away. I saw Scooter so I walked up to him.

"Scooter, could I talk to you please?" I asked.

"Sure, what's up"? he asked.

"Well, you see after the first half of tour finishes am not going to be on tour for the next 4 months" I said.

"Why"? he asked confused.

"Because I got a job at Sarah's fashionista" I said.

"Wow, congratulations" he said.

"Thanks, anyway I don't want him to like go into depression so can you please keep an eye out for him" I said.

"Sure" he said.

"Thank" I said.

"Well, I have a meeting to attend, see you later" he said.

"Bye" I said

After he walked away I went to watch Jay rehearse.

*Skip concert*

Jay has just finished his concert and right now I am waiting for him.

"Baby, let's go to the bus, am tired" Jay said.

"Ok, let's go" I said.

I then intertwined our hands and we left to go to the bus.


We got to the bus and we went to our room. We got changed into our pjs and got into bed.

"I love you babe, goodnight" I said and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too, goodnight" he said.

We then fell asleep.


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