Chapter 43

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Jason's POV

*1 week later*

This past week has been amazing. Me and Justin went back to California. Also we have been getting on great which is good because our wedding is in 2 months. I can't wait to start having a family with him. Today me, Fredo, Ryan, Chaz and Scooter are going to get out suit for the wedding. Ryan and Chaz are going with Justin next week to get his suit. I was just doing my hair when Jay shouted me.

"BABE, FREDO IS HERE" He shouted

"OK, ONE SEC" I shouted back.

I checked that I had everything and went downstairs.

"What took you so long"? Jay asked.

"I was doing my hair". I said making him chuckle.

"Anyway I got to go. I love you baby" I said.

"Love you too" He said

I then have him a kiss and left the house with Fredo. We then got into my car and drove to debenhams ( It is a shop in the UK where they sell wedding clothes etc)


We got to Debenhams and met Chaz, Ryan and Scooter their.

"Let's go" I said and we all then waked into the store

When we got into the store we were met by a lady who I am guessing is going to be helping us.

"Hello my name is Zara and I shall be helping you today" She said.

"Hi am Jason and this is Ryan, Chaz, Fredo and Scooter" I said.

"Nice to meet you. So what is your colour theme for your wedding"? She asked.

"Blue and white" I said.

"Ok, so would you like to try on a suit which has a blue tie?" She asked and I nodded. She then went to get the suit.

"You got a date to the wedding Chaz"? I asked him.

"No am going alone" He said causing us to laugh.

She then came back and gave me the suit. I walked into the dressing room and tried the suit on. I then exited the dressing room and showed the guys.

"So, what do you think"? I asked them.

"Nice" They said.

I looked into the mirror and it was a really nice suit. I then walked back into the dressing room and tried on many other suit.

"Which one would you prefer"? She asked.

"The first one" I said.

"Ok"She said

We then walked to the check out and I paid for the suit. We then exited the store and drove home.


I got home and walked inside. I found Jay watching tv.

"Hey babe" I said.

"Hey Jase, did you find your suit?" He asked.

"Yh" I said.

"Can I see it"? He asked.

"No you have to wait till our wedding day" I said and he pouted.

"I love you" He said.

"I love you too" I said and kissed him.


Hey guys. Here is another chapter. Am sorry it's short.

Anyway I have an announcement to make.

Their is only a couple of chapters left 😢.

I can't thank you guys enough for supporting me from the beggining.

I love you guys 😘

QOTD- Who do you think will win in the quarter finals tomorrow?

Belgium or Argentina?

I think Argentina will win because they have MESSI AND HE IS THE BEST FUCKING FOOTBALL PLAYER ON EARTH.

Anyway Vote and Comment.

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