Chapter 10

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Jason's POV

I woke up the next morning. All the memories from yesterday came flooding back. I hate this. This is our first fight and I hate it. I can't even look at him without wanting to punch him or something.

I got up from the couch and went to take a shower. After I took a shower I got ready. I checked the time and it was 9:30am. I needed to take a walk to clear my head. I wrote a note to Scooter/Fredo and exited the bus.

*15 minutes later*

I ended up at the park. I went to the swings and sat down. The park has never been my thing like I have never had any good memories about the park. You see when I was younger around 10 years old my parents passed away. Their death hit me hard because I was really close to my parents. It all started in high school. I started smoking, drinking, doing drugs and clubbing. You name it, I did it. Then when I turned 16 I joined a gang. I thought it would be fun as I was younger then . I stayed in the gang for 2 years. However when I turned 18 Alex found out.

He was so angry with me and he demanded me to quit the gang in which I did. We then moved to LA and that's where I became friends with Mia. We clicked instantly. Her parents got divorced and she chose to live with her dad however he is always on business trips. She even had a boyfriends and they were together for 2 years. That's when everything went crashing down for her. Her boyfriend who was called David had cancer and passed away on their 3 year anniversary. It hit Mia like a ton of bricks and I was alway their for her. Since then she has never been in a committed relationship

You see the reason I had a go at Jay was because I had a boyfriend called James. We were together for 5 months.. We had a fight God remembers what about. Anyway I felt extremely guilty so I went to his house. When I went in I found him with someone else and it broke my heart. He cheated on me. I ran home crying which resulted in Alex finding out and beating him up. That's why since then I have never been in a relationship and why Alex is protective of me. A year later we moved to a bigger house due to Megan going to be born.

I checked the time and it was 10am. I was just about to leave the park until I got a message.

To : Jason

From: My baby

We need to talk.

Every time I hear then four words I feel as though it's something bad. I put my phone back in my pocket and headed towards the bus wondering what Jay want to talk about.


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