Chapter 26

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Jason's POV

I woke up the next to morning naked next my amazing boyfriends. I realised that being away from him for 1 month was torture and I never want that to happen again. I checked the time and it was 9am so I thought I would go and make breakfast. I kissed Jay's cheek and carefully got out if bed and headed downstairs.When I got downstairs I made some breakfast for me an Jay. I made some French toast, coffee, waffles and pancakes. Whilst I was setting the the table Jay came down.

"Morning baby, thank you for the breakfast" he said.

"Morning and your welcome" I said.

He then smashed his lips into mine and he kissed me passionately. I kiss him back straight away. He laid his arms on my waist and I put my arm around his neck tugging the end of his hair. He licked my bottom lip for entrance but I denied. He smirked against my lips an squeezed my ass. I gasped which made my mouth open and he shoved his tongue in. He explored every inch of my mouth but we were interrupted by his phone ringing.

"Ignore it" I mumbled against his lip.

"It might be important" he said and pulled away.

He then picked up the phone and put it on loud speaker.

Convo -

J - Hello

S- Hey, remember when you recorded heartbreaker?

J- yh

S- well, it went number 1 on the charts.

J- Really.

S- yh, so we were thinking about making an album.

J- Sure, starting from when?

S - tomorrow.

J- ok

S- See you in a few hour for your photo shoot.

J- yh, ok bye.

S- bye.

*end of conversation*

" You forgot that you have a photo shoot didn't you?" I asked smirking.

"What, pffty, no" he said denying it.

"Ok, whatever you say baby" I said.

"Well, am going to get ready for my photo shoot" he said.

"Ok" I said and kissed his forehead.

He then got up and headed downstairs.
I then went to clean up everything,

*10 minutes later*

"Babe, am going"Jay said.

"Ok, love you" I said and gave him a kiss.

"Love you too" he said and left.

*Few hours later*

I was just sitting and doing some work when the doorbell rang.

*Ding dong*

I headed downstairs and opened the door.

"Rebecca" I said shocked



Who is Rebecca?

Well, you guys have to just wait and see.

Hi guys. I am so sorry that I have not updated in so long. I have just been so busy with college and exams however I have know finished college and I will be able to update more. Again I am so sorry. I love you all so much and please can you vote for my book.

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I will love you till the end  { Jastin & BoyxBoy }Where stories live. Discover now