Chapter 38

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Jason's POV

Well, today is day of of the competition. Sel is taking Jay out so he doesn't get suspicious.

*Dong Dong*

I went to get the door and their stood Sel.

"Hey, come in" I said to her.

"Hey. Is Justin ready?" She asked

"Yh, am here" He said.

"Bye guys. Have fun" I said to them.

I then gave Jay a kiss.

"Bye babe. Love you" Jay said.

"Love you too" I said and then they left.

After they left I drove to Scooters house.

*Scooters house*

I got to scooters house and went inside as his house is open. Their I found Scooter, Fredo, Ryan, Ryan and Chaz.

" Hey guys. Ready to to go"? I asked them.

"Yep" They all said.

"This is amazing idea your doing and I bet you Justin will love it" Chaz said.

"Let hope so" I said.

We then left Scooter's house and drove to the staples centre.

*Staples centre*

We got to the staples centre. We all entered the building. Beliebers were all gathered tier and let me tell you their were many beliebers. I then walked to the front.

"Hey guys. So you must be wondering why I asked to gather all of you here. Well, as you know your idol is getting married in a few months so I wanted to invite some beliebers to our wedding however their are so many beliebers so we are going to be giving you a mini test. This test will include things about Justin. Winners will be announced on Sunday. The test will be for 45 minutes. If you have any questions just out your hands up and I will be happy to answer then for you" I said to them.

I girl then put her hand up.

"Yes" I said to her.

"Does Justin know that you are doing this"? She asked.

"No, it's a surprise so make sure he does not find out" I said

"Any more questions?" I asked.

No one out their hand up so an guessing it's time for their test.

"Well, it's 12.30pm. Your test is for 45 minutes so it finished at 1.15pm. You may begin" I said.

*45 minutes later*

They all have finished their test and let me tell you I feel as thought it's going to be a hard decision.

"Thank you guys for coming. As I said before winners will be announced on Sunday" I said.

I then said bye to them and left to go home.

'Can't wait for Sunday now' I thought



Well, today is the day that the winners are going to be announced. I drove to the studio where I will be announcing the winners.


I got to the studio and entered it. I walked to the front.

"Hey guys. I am going to be announcing the winners and am sorry if you don't win but remembered I love you all" I said to them.

"Anyway their are 25 beliebers that have won and after I shout your name could you go and stand where Fredo is standing. Anyway, the winners are Lisa Black, Tina Adams, Mia Jones, Aisha Robins, Nicole Roberts, Sarah Robinson, Jade Ashton, Jessica Rae, Renee Davids, Emma Williams, Emily Johnson, Josh Andrews, Anna Thomas, Andrew White, Rina Cook, Layla Reed, David Price, Adam Jones, Amina Holmes, Sana Lane, Zara Lynch, Chelsea Jacobs, Gina Gomez, Jacob Lucas and Liam Miles. Am sorry to those that didn't win but remember I love you" I said

All the beliebers that didn't win walked out the studio. I then walked up to the winners.

"Congratulations guys. All the girl beliebers will be going shopping to get your dresses, jewellery and shoes tomorrow with Selena Gomez and all the guy beliebers will be coming with me, Fredo, Chaz, Ryan and Scooter to buy your suits and supras" I said.

"Supra's" One of the guy beliebers asked.

"Yh, Justin doesn't want people wearing this fancy kind of shoes" I said causing them to laugh.

"We will meet outside this studio and then from their we will be going to buy our suits and stuff" I said.

"Any questions"? I asked.

"You are so sweet doing this for him. Am glad Justin is marrying you" One of the girl beliebers said.

"Thanks. Anyway I got to go home. See you guys tomorrow" I said.

"Bye" They said.

I then left the studio and drove back home.

'Let's just hope tomorrow goes right' I thought.


Hey guys. Here is another chapter. I hope you enjoy and I love you guys.

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