Chapter 45 ( Final Chapter )

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Hey guys. I can't believe that this is the last chapter but anyway I hope you enjoy 😄


Jason's POV

*Wedding Day*

I can't believe that today is my wedding day. I mean I have always been waiting for this day and it's finally hear.

"Jason today is the big day" Alex said waking to mine and Justin's room.

"Yh it is. Is Justin ok"? I asked.

"He's fine and by the way the make-up artist and hairdresser is here for the bridesmaids and the beliebers you have invited" he said

"Oh shit." I muttered.

"Jason calm down. Everything us under control. I knew that you would be all panicky today so I sorted it all out" He said.

"Thanks Alex" I said.

"What are brothers for? Now go and get ready and then meet us downstairs" He instructed and I nodded and walked towards my closet got my suit and went to get ready.

Tina Adam's POV (Belieber)

I can't believe that my idol is getting married today. I knew this day would come but I never knew that I could see him getting married. Am so glad that he is marrying someone like Jason because I know that they will be together forever. They are literally inseparable

"Girls come over this way. You will be getting your hair and make-up done and then we will tell you what to do after that" Alex said.

We all then sat down on the chairs and the hair dresser started doing our hair.

"Am so excited" Jade said

"Me too" I said.

"Can you turn on E! new"? Josh asked

Alex then turned on E! news.

Well to all the beliebers and fans out there. Today the one and only teen pop sensation Justin Bieber is getting married to former fiancé Jason McCann. Many beliebers and people around the world have been waiting for this day. Happy wedding day Jason and Justin.

Well it looks like many people around the world are excited today.

Justin's POV

So fucking scared. Today is my wedding day and am so nervous. What if I say something wrong? What if I-.

"Justin stop worrying" Ryan said cutting me out my thought.

"What if-" I started but was cut off.

"No what if. Think positive" Chaz said.

"Justin, it's time" Mum said

"Ok, let's go" I said

'Think positive Justin, think positive' I thought

Jason's POV

Waiting at the aisle for my baby is very scary. Am so scared that he is just like going to run away and be like am sorry I don't love you anymore.

"Jason you ok"? Alex asked.

"Am fine" I said.

"You guys ok"? I asked the beliebers.

"Am sure were supposed to be asking if you're ok" One of them said causing me to chuckle.

"Jason, it's time" Alex said.

I will love you till the end  { Jastin & BoyxBoy }Where stories live. Discover now