Chapter 31

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Jason's POV

*One week later*

This week has been the best week literally. I don't know what I would do without Justin and I am so glad that we are getting married. Anyway, today is our engagement party. Right know I am getting ready for the party as it starts in about 30 minutes.

"Babe, are you ready"? Jay asked entering the room.

"No, am getting ready know. I will meet you downstairs when I am done" I said.

"Ok" He said and left the room.

*25 minutes later*

"Finally, your ready" Josh said.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'.

"I swear you take as long as Becky does" Jay said causing Josh to laugh.

"Whatever, can we go know"? I said.

"Yh, come on" Josh said.

We then left the house and headed towards the venue.


We arrive at the venue and it was packed with celebrities and our family. 'I swear I don't know half the people here' I thought.

"Justin Bieber and his fiancé Jason McCann in the house" The DJ said and everyone cheered and clapped.

"Let's get this party started" Alfredo said causing everyone to laugh.

"Babe, do you want a drink"? He asked.

"Yh" I said.

He then walked off towards the bar. I then spotted Alex and Megan.

"Alex, Megan" I shouted.

"Uncle Jason" Megan said and ran up to me.

I then picked her up and have her a kiss on her cheek.

"I miss you so much" I said.

I miss you too" She said.

"Alex, how are you? I asked him.

"Am good and congratulation" He said.

"Thank you. Where is Katy?" I asked and then saw Jay walk up to us.

"Here you go." He said and handed me my drink.

"Thanks" I said and kissed his cheek.

"Justin congratulation. Am so happy for you guys and Katy was ill so she couldn't attend." Alex said.

"Thanks" He said.

"Who is this little cutie"? Justin asked.

"This is Megan and Megan this is uncle Justin" I said to then.

"Hi" She said and hid her face in the my neck.

"She is a little shy" I said chuckling.

"Justin they want you to make a speech" Ryan said walking up to us.

"Ok" He said and walked up to the stage.

I then gave Megan back to Alex and walked towards the front.

"Hey guys. Thank you for coming and thank you to Josh, Scooter, Alfredo an Becky for throwing this party for us. Anyway, I am so happy that we are getting married Jason. I don't know what I would do without you. I know that we have had ups and downs in our relationship but I promise to be the best husband when we get married and be the best father to our kids. I love you so much and thank you so much for being here with me and loving me. I love you." He said.

Everyone clapped and then he walked off the stage and walked towards me.

"I love you too" I said and gave him a kiss.

For the rest of the night we just enjoyed our self with our friends and family. I never thought that I would find the love of my life or get married but I thank God for being all this happiness into my life. Let's hope that the future is good for us.


Here is another chapter guys. I know it is crappy but I am with my niece but she is asleep so I thought I would update a chapter for you. I love you guys and am sorry if it is boring. I will try to make the next chapters better. Hope you enjoy.

Have you guys seen the video of Justin with his sibling. OMB it is so cute literally. It shows how much he misses them and cares about them and it shows that no matter what family will always be their for you.

If you ever need to talk am always here for you guys. After all I am a belieber and you guys are my family.

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