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So I have come to the conclusion now weather or not I am going to be doing a sequal.

I will not being doing a sequal. Am sorry to those that wanted me to do one but you see the thing is that I still need to complete my other book and when I go back to college it will be extremely hard for me to update. Am sorry again and I hope you guys don't hate me. I love each one of you and I literally can't thank you enough for just reading and voting for my book. Thank you guys again.

Please vote, comment and share.

Justin - You do know they are dying for you to do a sequal?

Me - As I said before I won't be able to because am going to be really busy will college an stuff.

Justin- College my ass.

Me - Shut the fuck up.

Justin - You know you love me.

Me - Cocky bastard

Anyway, I love you all so much and thank you the support and wonderful journey through this whole book.

Stay beautiful 💜

- Ria

I will love you till the end  { Jastin & BoyxBoy }Where stories live. Discover now