Chapter 27

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Jason's POV

"Jason, long time no see" She said.

"Wh-at a-re yo-u doi-ng he-re"? I asked her shocked from seeing her after 7 fucking years.

"Thought I would come and pay you a little visit"? she said and walked into the house.

I then closed the door and we walked into the dining room.

"So, how-" I said but was interupted by someone coming in.

"Jase, their is an amazing lamborghini outside our-"he said but stopped when he saw Rebecca.

"Who is this"? he asked confused.

"Hi, am Rebecca David" she said introducing herself.

"Do I know you from somewhere"? Jay asked her.

Reports show that yesterday a shopping mall in LA was bombed. Police tell us that LA wanted criminal Rebecca David is a suspect. More news after the break.

"You might know me from that" she said pointing at the TV.

"Wow, so you're LA's most wanted criminal "he said.

"Yep" she said popping the 'p'

"So, why are you here"? He asked her.

"To talk to Jason" she said.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked her.

"I was wondering if you knew anyone who takes over my gang"? She asked me.

"Why"? I asked confused.

"Well, I kind of want to quit" she said.

"Oh, well- I started but was interrupted when Jazzy walked through the door.

"Hey Justin, Jason" she said.

"Hey" we said.

"Becky" Jazmyn said.

"Jazzy" Becky said.

"OMG, how are you"? Jazzy asked her whilst hugging her.

"Fine, what about you"? She asked.

"Good" Jazzy said.

"Wait, you guys know each other "Justin asked them.

"Yh" she said.

"How" we asked surprised.

"School" Jazmyn said.

"oh, right" we said.

"How is Josh"? Jazmyn asked her.

"Who the fuck is this Josh kid"? I asked Rebecca.

As you see she is like a sister to me and I become protective when it comes to boys.

"Chill, he is my boyfriend" she said

"For how long"? I asked.

"2 years" She said.

"Really"? I asked shocked.

"Why so shocked Jase" Jay asked

"Well, she has never been in a relationship for that long" I said.

"Anyway, I would love to chat but I have to go and Jason email me the people's name" she said.

"Ok, bye" I said and gave her a hug.

"Bye" she said to me and Jazmyn.

"Bye criminal" Justin said to her smirking.

'Bad move' I thought.

She slammed Justin against the wall and punched him.

"Let go of him Rebecca" I said trying to get her of him but she wouldn't budge.

"Next time you call me that I will blow your brains our, got it pop star" she said in a threatening tone.

"Ye-s" he said.

"Good" she said and let go of him and walked out the house.

"Are you ok baby"? I asked concerned?

"Yh" he said,

"Let's go and get you cleaned up" I said.

I then helped him up and cleaned him up. After that we walked into out bedroom. He then asked me the question I was hoping he would never ask me.

"How do you know Rebecca"? Jay asked.

"Well, I guess it is time to tell you" I said.

"You don't have to" he said.

"I want to" I said and kissed his forehead.

"Well, it all started when I was younger around 10 years old my parents passed away. Their death hit me hard because I was really close to my parents. It all started in high school. I started smoking, drinking, doing drugs and clubbing. I would always get suspended from school and eventually I got kicked out.Then when I turned 16 I joined a gang.That is where I met Rebecca. She is like a sister to me. I thought it would be fun as I was younger then . I stayed in the gang for 2 years. However when I turned 18 Alex found out.He was so angry with me and he demanded me to quit the gang in which I did. We then moved to LA. I even had a boyfriend called James. We were together for 5 months.We had a fight God remembers what about. Anyway I felt extremely guilty so I went to his house. When I went in I found him with someone else and it broke my heart. He cheated on me. I ran home crying which resulted in Alex finding out and beating him up. That's why since then I have never been in a relationship and why Alex is protective of me. A year later we moved to a bigger house due to Megan going to be born." I said to Jay and had has tears falling down his face.

I wiped them away with my thumb.

"Don't cry baby boy" I said to him.

"You don't deserve to go through all that at a young age and that James guy is a fucking idiot for cheating on you" he said.

"well, am glad he did because then I would of never met you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me" I said smiling.

" I love you" he said.

"I love you too so much" I said and gave him a kiss.

"Let's go to sleep, it's late" Jay said.

I then got into my pj's and got into bed. A few minutes later Jay got into bed as well. He laid his head on my chest and wraped his arms around my torso.

"Goodnight baby" I said and kissed his forehead.

"Night Jase" he said.

'Wow, today has been an intresting day' I thought and drifted off to sleep.


Hope you enjoy the chapter.

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