Chapter 15

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Jason's POV

*3 weeks later*

So , the first 2 months of Jay's tour is finished. We have moved to California and the house is absolutly beautiful. Also Alex and Katy moved to Canada so they could be closer to Katy's family. We have been in California for a week now and I star my new job tomorrow. Am excited but am nervous as well. I mean it's my first job in a big company, what do you expect? Jay goes back on tour next week. Anyway right now me and Jay are just cuddling and watching tv.

"Can you believe we have been together for 7 months"? Jay said smiling.

"I know , but i wouldn't change it , you are my world" I said.

"You are my everything" he said and kissed my cheek.

"Did ,i tell you what happened yesterday at the mall"? I asked whilst laughing at the memory.

" No , what happened?" he asked curiously.

"Well , I was in the supra shop and 2 beliebers came up to me. They told me that they support us being togther but they also threatened me" I said laughing.

"Really,what did they say"? he asked chuckling.

"They were like 'if you dare hurt our Justin, us beliebers won't be scared to hunt you down and kill you' and then they walked away" I said.

"WOW" he said.

"I know" i said.

"But,I would'nt be here without them" he said.

"I swear your beliebers could be FBI agents" I said.

"That's what Scooter said as well" he said laughing.

*11 pm*

It was around 11 pm and I was heading off to bed as i have to wake up ealy tomorrow.

"Babe , am going to sleep" I said.

"Ok , I will be up in a bit" he said.

"Ok , goodnight , i love you" I said and gave him a kiss.

"Goodnight , love you too" he said.

I then headed upstairs and went into our room. I got chnaged into my pj's , brushed my teeth and got into bed. I got confortable and then I fell asleep.


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