Chapter 17

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Jason's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. I rolled over and answered it.

Convo -

J - Hello

R - Hello, Mr McCann, this is Rose speaking, your new assistant. I am just ringing to tell you that your meeting that was suppose to take place at 10am has been cancelled.

J - Thank you for letting me know Rose.

R - Your welcome, bye.

J - Bye

*end of conversation*

After I finished talking to Rose I got out of bed. I saw that Jay was still sleeping so I thought I would go downstairs and make some breakfast as I go to work at 11am. I headed donwstairs and went to the kitchen. I started making some pancakes and bacon. After I made them I made some coffee and set the food on the table. Jay then cam down.

"Hey babe" I said

"Hey, what time did you come home last night?" he asked

"11pm, I got out of my office at 10.30pm but their was alot of traffic" I said.

"Oh, well what time do you have to go to work today"? he asked.

"11am, so I want to spend as much as time as possible with you before you go on tour" I said smiling.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I said.

I then kissed him.It wasen't a rough kind of kiss. It was sweet and passionate. He then sat on my lap without breaking the kiss. He then licked my bottom lips asking for entrance but I denied.

"Tease" he mumbled against my lip which made me chuckle.

I then opened my mouth and we started fighting for domence and of course Jay won. I then broke the kiss to catch my breath. Jay then started to kiss my jaw line down to my neck but the doorbell rang and interupted us.

*Ding Dong*

"Who could that be"? I asked.

" I don't know" he said.

He then got off my lap and went to answer the door.

Justin's POV

I went to open the door and their stood my mommy. Yes, am 20 years old and I call my mom mommy, so what?

"Hey mom" I said and kissed her cheek.

"Hey honey" she said.

She then walked inside and I closed the door. We then walked into the kitchen to where Jase was.

"Hi Miss Mallette" Jase said.

"Hi Jason and please call me Pattie" mom said and gave him a hug.

"I will keep that in mind" Jase said.

"So, mom what are you doing in California?" I asked.

"Well, I haven't seen you in a while so I thought I would come and visit" mom said.

"Well you are welcome any time" Jase said.

"Well thank you Jason" mom said.


Jason's POV


It's 10.30 am and I have to go to work. I got my phone , ray bans , car keys and brieft case and headed downstairs.

"Jay am going now, love you" I said.

"Bye, love you too" he said and gave me a kiss.

"Bye Pattie, it was nice seeing you" I said and gave her a hug.

"Bye Jason, it was nice seeing you too" she said.

I then left the house. I got into my range rover and drove to work.


I got to work by 11am. I entered the building and then went into the elevator and I pressed floor 74. The elevator door then opened. I exited the elevator and headed towards my office. I entered my office and sat down. I switched my macbook on and looked over some of the designs. I then rang Rose.

Convo -

J - Rose, can you please come to my office please.

R - I will be right their Mr McCann

*end of conversation.

Someon then knocked on my office door.

"Come in" I shouted

Rose then walked in.

"Mr McCann, what can I do for you?" she asked.

"Can you please get me a coffee? I aksed.

"Sure" she said and left my office.

I then got back to work.


I was just sketching some designs when the phone rang.

Convo -

J - Hello.

R - Mr McCann, their is someone here to see you.

J - Who?

R - Justin Bieber.

J - Send him in.

*end of conversation*

A few minutes later my office door opened and Jay walked in. He then closed the door and sat down on the chair opposite me.

"Hey baby" I said.

"Hey Jase" he said and gave me a kiss.

"Where is your mom"? I asked.

"She had to go back to New York" he said.

"Oh, well i was just about to come home" I said.

"Well, let's go" he said.

I then grabbed my things and left my office.

"Rose, if anyone phones please contact me on my mobile" I said whilst putting my ray bans on.

"Sure, Mr McCann" she said.

"See you tomorrow" I said.

"See you tomorrow" she said.

I then interwined our hands and got into the elevator. I pressed the ground floor and waited for it to go down. The elevator door then opened and we left the elevator and exited the buidling.

"Mr McCann" Jay said smirking.

"To you it is Jason Mr " I said laughing.

"Let's go home" he said.

We then got into the car and drove home.


So their was another chapter for you. I came back from college early so I thought I would update. I might update another chapter as well but we will see if I finish it in time.

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