Chapter 12

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Jason's POV

*1 month later*

So it has been one month since me and Jay had our fight but we are now stronger than ever. Also we have been together for 5 months and we only have one more month of tour left.

Right now it is 9am and everyone is still asleep because today we have a day off. I am watching Jay sleep because I woke up like half an hour ago and I can't go back to sleep. 'He look so peaceful when he is asleep' I thought.

"Morning Jase" Jay said in his morning raspy voice.

"Morning Jay baby" I said and kissed his forehead.

"How long have you been awake for?"he asked.

"Half an hour" I said.

"Oh ok" he said.

"So, what do you want to do today"? I asked.

"Cuddle with you and watch movies" he said.

"Ok, what movie"?I asked.

"The notebook" he said.

I then went put the notebook in and sat back down and cuddled with Jay and watched the movie.

*After the movie has finished"

"Aww, baby were you crying? I asked.

"Pffft, no" he said denying it.

"Oh right, whatever you say" I said.

"I wanted to talk to you about something" Jay said seriously.

"What wrong?" I asked.

"Well, you see I brought a mansion but I was wondering if you would move in with me"? he asked.

"Really" I asked surprised.

"Yh, but if you don't want to then yo- he said but I cut him off.

I kissed him and he kissed me back straight away.

"I would love to Jay baby" i said.

"Well, you see the thing is I brought a house in California" he said.

"What, but that is another state" I said.

"I know but I brought a house their so I could have more privacy and because their are less paps their" he said.

"Oh, I will still move in with you" I said.

"I love you" he said.

"Love you too" I said.

"What does it look like"? I asked.

"Pass me my MacBook please and I will show you" he said.

I then passed him his MacBook and he showed me pictures of the house inside and outside. It was absolute beautiful. It had 12 bedrooms , 10 bathrooms , a game room, a big kitchen , a big pool , a jacuzzi and a cinema room.

"Jay don't you think it too expensive?" I asked.

"Don't worry about money, I got it all sorted" he said.

"But then I feel guilty because I didn't pay anything" I said.

"If you love me then don't feel guilty" he said.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" he said and gave me a kiss.

"So, when so you want to move"? I aksed.

"After tour finishes" he said.

"Ok" I said.

Justin's POV

We were near the end of watching 'a wall to remember' when the tour bus door opened. Their stood a girl who loked around 19 years old. She wore short shorts and a tank top. She wore some black supras and ray bans with her hair in a bun.

"McCann" She said and took her ray bans off.

"Mia" Jason said suprised.

He then hugged her and I was sitting wondering who the fuck she is.

"Jay , this is my best friends Mia , Mia this is my boyfriends Justin" he said.

"Oh, i know who he is. My best friend rang me 2 days ago crying beause of you" she said and scowled at me.

"Mia , leave him alone" Jason said.

"Am just warning you, you hurt my best friends again , I will hurt you" She threatened.

" I promsie I won't" I said a little scared of her.

"So , how did you know we were here " Jason asked her.

"Oh , my manager told me" she said.

"Manager"? I asked confused.

" Am Mia Adams , the model" she said.

"oh , no wonder you looked familiar" i said.

"So , how long can you stay for"? Jason asker her.

"2 days" she said.

"Oh , well you must be tired , I will show you to your room" I said

"Thanks" she said and smiled at me.

I then showed Mia to her room. After that I went into our room and got into my pj's and got into bed. Jase then came in and changed into his pj's and got into bed too.

"Why did'nt you tell me your best friends was Mia Adams"? I asked

"It never came up" he said chucking.

"True , goodnight , I love you" I said.

"Goodnight , love you too Jay baby" he said and kissed me.

I then fell asleep.


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