Chapter 19

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Jason's POV

*1 month later*

So, it has officialy been one month sice Jay has gone back on tour. We skype,text adn call everyday but it isn't the same. I miss waking up in his arms and cuddling and watching tv together. Right now am watching the news because their is nothing else to watch.

The Biebs was seen at heathrow airport yesterday afternoon with the Bieber crew. He is currently on tour but his former boyfriend Jason McCann wasen't spotted with him. Do you think the 'it' couple have called quits?

I turned the tv off because they talk absolute bullshit. 'What should I do I thought'? I know I will go and pack. You might be wondering why I am going to pack, well am going to go and surprise Jay on tour. I then headed upstairs. I then started packing.

*skip packing*

I have finally finished packing. It was 9pm so I thought I would go and take a shower. After I took a shower I put my pj's on, brushed my teeth and then I got into bed. I then made sure I was confortable and fell asleep.

Justin's POV

I woke up the next morening to my alarm going off. I wsitched it off and then got out of bed. I took a shower, wore my clothes and then walked into the kitchen and found Fredo and Ryan their.

"Morning" I said.

"Morning" They said.

Scooter then came in the room.

"Justin, let's go, rehearsels now" he said,

I then grabbed my backpack, phone and raybans and headed towards the arena.

*skip rehearsels*

We finished rehearself 15 minutes ago and right now we are all just sitting in Scooter's hotel room chatting.

"Can you believe it's going to be christmas a week after tour finished" I said.

"I know, so what do you and Jason have planned for christmas?" Fredo asked.

"I don't know" I said frowning when he mentioned Jason's name.

I miss him so much.

"Ok, well we have to go christmas shopping soon" he said.

"Yh, am going to my room, see you later man" I said and gave him a bro hug.

I then left Scooter's hotel room and went to mine.


I was just watching tv when someone knocked on the door.

"GO AWAY" I shouted not in the mood to talk to anybody.

"Fine, I will go catch a plane back to LA" the person said.

I recognised the voice. I ran to the door and their stoood.......



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