viii. Double Dip

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Y/n's POV

Yesterday was a laughing matter. Dip went on some adventure with these 'Manitors' who taught him to become a man because he was tired of being treated like a little boy and other reasons like that.

Being the great friend I am, I tried telling him no and he's great just the way he is but he said no he's not enough, he was probably worrying about Wendy again.

Anyway, today Grunkle Stan is hosting this party for me because it's my birthday, and I haven't told anyone except for him because I don't like celebrating myself or the fact that my parents never celebrated it for me.

But Grunkle Stan being Grunkle Stan just had to throw a party, he's just going to say that it's going to be for money and nothing special. Bless.

After getting ready for the day, and eating, I went into the main room where the party is going to be taking place. There were balloons and lights and streamers and a dance floor and... is that a dj?!

Definitely working there. "Hey g-" I stopped mid sentence and mid walk looking at everyone in silly string. (Call it whatever you want, I'll call it whatever I want). I instantly regretted my decision and paused for a minute and made a run for the door but was stopped by Wendy covered in silly string. Oh no.

"Blahhh!" She yelled, spraying that stupid string onto my clothes.

"Awe I just got ready ya dorks. I'm just taking it off I don't care if it stains or not too bad for my clothes."I stated and returned to the task I set for myself.

Stan walked in, his normal dirt pajama attire. "Enough playing with the decorations."

Thank you Stan. If I saw one more color I would throw up.

Soos was immediately by Stan's side. "Mr. Pines? Who's birthday is it again?"

I stopped mid motion, once again, and stared at Grunkle Stan.

He shrugged. "No ones. I just thought this was a good idea to take kids money."

I silently sighed to myself and continued walking over to Stan and noticed Dipper gaze on me, I turned to him and waved, hoping he didn't see my little freak out.

"Grunkle Stan! Do you think it's cool if I work the dj?" I asked, flashing my best winning smile.

"Of course, kid, let me try and find you someone to work with."

No no I'll be just dandy on my own, thanks. "Ok great." I said instead.

"These kids want fun? I'll smuther them in fun." Grunkle Stan said, punching his fist into his palm.

"Maybe comments like that are why kids don't come to the Mystery Shack." Mabel added jokingly.

"Hey, hey. How about you make yourself useful and copy these flyers." Stan replied, shoving a stack of papers into Mabels hands.

"Oh boy a trip to the copier!" Bright side Mabel at your service.

Soos popped up beside her, his arms outstretched. "Calendars, mugs, candy and more! They got it all at the copier store!" He leaned down towards my ear and whispered. "That's not really their slogan I just made it up."

Overly excited Soos at your service.

"Save the trouble. You know the old copier stowed away in my office? Finally fixed the old girl up. Good as new!" Cheapo Mystery Man at your service.

As Dipper and Mabel went to try out the copier, I stayed back with Wendy to help with balloons.

I wonder what my service name would be? Probably something dumb.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ! dipper pinesWhere stories live. Discover now