xxxi. Love Letters

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Y/n's pov

After already completing my morning shift at the Mystery Shack, eating lunch with my parents, and enjoying an hour of watching Netflix, it was finally time for my second shift of the day and to retrieve the mail.

My parents and I are living in the Shack and I have to admit, they are pretty cool. Every now and then I get a new story from the past. They're like Ford but there's two of them, and ones a girl, and they're younger, and cooler...but ya know, still like Ford. He is in most of their adventure stories so maybe the old man did have a crazy life.

Everything else was going smooth. I lived in the attic and slept in the same bed I always did but I kept the other two beds there, empty and waiting for the owners to return to them. I decorated around them and over them just not on them. I was very picky about that for some odd reason.

I had the "family" picture that I received from Stan on my birthday, on my night stand beside my bed with the picture of me and Dipper beside it. Both of the 'action' pictures I had of us were resting there and I don't plan on moving them any time soon.

Usually every day I would get letters from Dipper and everyday I would be so tempted to run out of a window at my school to rip open the envelope and read what he has to say.

Oh right, school. Man, I know when people say school is like prison they don't actually mean it, they just say it just to say it, but when I say my school is prison, I mean it. It's so boring. Everyone is annoying. And Dipper not Mabel aren't there to enlighten my mood.

Since I sinned by thinking about school on a weekend, I got up from the coach and got my black skater skirt on with a white dress shirt, my charm bracelet and I headed outside for fresh air and to retrieve the mail for today.

"Dipper you better have wrote back to me or I swear-" I opened the mailbox and pulled out a couple of envelopes and sat back on the porch. "Let's see...The occasional postcards Ford and Stan like to torture me with from all the cool places their visiting without me...trash. Coupon for Zumiez...definitely keep. What else is there? Another letter from Dipper!"

I busted into the door and sat at the kitchen table and threw the other envelopes somewhere else in the living room, loosing interest of the coupon because Dippers letter was all I wanted. I tore open the letter and on the inside, in crayon wrote,

Dear N/n,
I have to write in crayons because Mabel went somewhere with my pencils and pens and I didn't want to wait longer to write to you. I've missed you so much and I already dread school and it's only been two weeks. Hope your having more fun at the Shack then I am here. I'm counting down the days till Summer, not much help with Mabel though. Oh, and I just want you to know that girls at my school don't compare to you at all. You're still the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Hold onto that.
Love you and enjoy your day!

I screamed and once I saw a confused Soos head peer around the doorway I shut up and coughed as I let him continue his tour I was suppose to be giving.

I took out a pen from a drawer and replied to him on a separate sheet of paper and had it in the mailbox in under twenty minutes. New record.

I forgot how much I loved Dipper making sure he added something sweet at the end of his letters. It's a good thing I am sweeter then him and can make him blush through words ten times more easily then he can to me.

Time skip to beginning of Summer.

"And for the final conclusion of the tour, I give you...The worlds hideous creature!" I led a crowd of tourists to a blanket that covered a mirror.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ! dipper pinesWhere stories live. Discover now