xxiv. Dungeons

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Y/n's pov

I sat at some police station waiting for some agents to come scoop me up and take me to some system, a system that's not in Gravity Falls. Looks like someone saw me in a picture or news because clearly that memory gun wasn't the only solution we had now.

I wanted to escape more then anything, but what could I do? This place is corrupted with agents.

"Y/n, it's time."

I pulled up my hood, and followed the man in a suit out of the door and towards the parking lot.

When we got half way to the car, I saw a familiar red car speeding towards my direction. It stopped a few yards ahead of me and out came Stan and Mabel.

"Wait!" Stan yelled as they ran over to me and the guy in the suit. No sign of Dipper or Ford. Typical.

"You can't take her." Stan continued as he panted from the short distance of running he just did.

"Are you her legal guardian?" The man argued and Stan fumbled in his jacket. No he wasn't my legal guardian, but besides, when is Stan legal anyway?

"I am, look. The kid is mine. " Stan pulled out a certificate and held it up to the man.

The agent seemed stumped, upset that I had slipped through his fingers. Again. "Very well then. My mistake. I thought this was someone else I guess."

I ran up and hugged Stan to over emphasize the situation.

"Yay! Y/n your ok!" Mabel yelled as she joined the hug. When the man disappeared, I let go and thanked the two.

"We got your back, kiddo." Stan said as he messed with my hair and gestured for me and Mabel to go to the car, which we did.

"So uh, where's Dip and Ford?" I asked Mabel who shrugged and looked a bit annoyed.

"Off doing things without us."

I frowned and looked forward but changed the subject and had a nice conversation with Mabel until we got home.

"Maybe if we beat this stupid car traffic we can make it back in time for DuckTective." Stan said as he peeled away from the road and into the woods. Looks like we're taking the scenic route.

"What was that certificate?" I asked, not remembering anything about Stan legally owning me.

Stan laughed and Mabel did too. "Let's just say I broke a copier machine and used a lot of whiteout."

I laughed and thought of how thoughtful that actually was of Stan.

"Thanks." I responded.

We made it back to find Dipper and Ford playing some nerd board game and papers spread across everywhere around the room.

They didn't come to get me at the station because they were busy playing a video game? I think I might explode.

I walked into a bathroom in the downstairs hallway to have some time to myself. I was going through all the events and images that happened the night at laser tag. The one thing that stuck on me was my parents, and why did Bill take them away in some cage?

I lost my train of thought at the sound of yelling coming from an unfamiliar, high pitched voice. I opened the door and walked into the door frame to see what was going on.

There stood a giant hole in the wall and Dipper and Ford being carried out of it by some creatures I've never seen before. When I looked down I saw a board game box that had the creatures I just saw on the front.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ! dipper pinesWhere stories live. Discover now