xv. Land Before Swine

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Y/n's pov

It all started last night when a roof was ripped off of a police men's car and carried away.

Me, Dipper and Soos have been trying to find out what the cause of it was until Soos let in light to the dark room where we were letting the pictures reveal and ruined them.

As on cue, something big was flying right outside our house. When we went to go check out what it was, it turned out to be a Pterodactyl carrying Waddles away. The bad thing is Mabel wasn't home and I sure as heck did not want to see her reaction.

Stan made up some crazy story about him trying to save Waddles but I didn't believe it and neither did Dipper.

After all of that we got Soos's truck and spray painted the side and put a cage in the trunk. We were still going to try and catch ourselves a dinosaur.  And a Waddles.

I was with Soos loading the truck when Dipper walked over looking anxious. This can't be good.

"You and me bro best friends. Fighting and potentially fighting dinosaurs." Soos said cheerfully, patting Dipper on the back.

Dipper started fumbling with his hands, looking anxious. "Soos, look. I, uh, I got to tell you something."

I walked into the front of the truck already knowing how this was ending and I didn't want to see Soos's reaction either but I was surprised when they both got in the truck and not just Dipper.

I just let it go because I could care less about their bro love.


"The red yarn leads to..." I said while leading everyone into some creepy abandoned house and on the other side was...Old Man Mcgucket?

"Howdy friends!" He turned around from staring at the wall with a banjo in his hands.

I swear this old man actually is insane and can't remember a thing.

"What are you doing out here?" Dipper said while walking next to me.

"You'll never believe me! So I was doing my hourly hootnany when this enormous winged critter stole my musical spoons and flew lickity split into this mines down yonder." He then pointed to some big hole in the ground that the yarn was spilling into.

"Perfect." I said and got down on my knee and looked through the hole. "We're going in." I said while standing up and grinning at Dipper who nodded.

"Need someone to tag along to tell weird personal stories?"

"No thanks." Dipper took off his backpack and took out some rope that we threw down the hole.

We fought who would go first but I ended up going because I was tired of waiting and snuck past everyone. Well that is if you call walking in plain sight sneaking around.

When we all got onto the rope and started to inch down the rope, it snapped and we all tumbled down the hole.

Instead of dying, we landed on some giant squishy mushroom and when I got up with Dipper, there was a bunch of weird looking plants and a tunnel.

"These plants look all Jurassicy."

That's probably because a dinosaur lives down here.

"Who knows. Maybe more than a dinosaur survived all this time." I said while walking towards Dipper who turned around and gave me a flower.

"Souvenir." He said and smiled before quickly walking away and I thought I saw him hide a blush but couldn't tell because of the lighting.

I smelt the flower while no one was watching me, the scented flower causing me to go into a trance I never wanted out of.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ! dipper pinesWhere stories live. Discover now