xxvii. Weirdmageddon Part One

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Dipper's pov

"So this is how the world ends. Not with a bang, but with a coocoo."

Ford and I were standing outside the Shack, staring at the colorful tear in the sky. There was a black, floating pyramid along with bubbles flying around it in the distance.

I had a terrible feeling in my stomach. Not only for what I was seeing, but for Y/n and my sister, who I hadn't seen since this whole thing started. I couldn't help but think of the last words I said to Mabel and how I just let Y/n go and didn't even go after her. I was so stupid and now something bad could be happening to the both of them because of me.


Animals and creatures emerged from the woods, knocking me over. But I was quickly picked up from Ford as he yelled. "The rift is shattered! Bills world is spilling into ours, and every minute his powers grow stronger."
I gasped. "Y/n. Mabel! The rift must have cracked inside my backpack! I have to go save them!" I ran for the woods and pulled out my walkie talkie. "Mabel? Y/n? Come in!"


I felt a tug at my shoulder and whipped around and met Fords concerned gaze. "Dipper. Listen to me. We will find the two soon. But first we have to stop Bill and blast him back in the rift he came from, we have to stop him before his powers stretch across the entire globe."

I tensed up after hearing how he could rule the entire world. We wouldn't be able to stop him then. But Y/n...and Mabel. They need me. I need them. I need Y/n to be safe.

"Are you sure defeating Bill is even possible?" I said, hinting the sadness deep down.

"No, I'm not sure." He truthfully, causing me to swallow a lump in my throat. "But being a hero means fighting back even when it seems impossible. Will you follow me?" He bent down to my height and I relaxed.

Mabel and Y/n are just going to have to wait. No matter how tempting it might be to want to save them now.

"To the end of the Earth." I replied and stood a little taller and had a determined smile on my face.

"Good, because that's where we're headed."

I nodded.

Y/n, what ever happens, where ever you are, just know...I love you.

Y/n's pov

I woke up on the ground, surrounded by darkness.

Where the hell am I?

I stood up and walked around, slowly remembering everything that happened.


He tricked me.

Possessed me.

Tricked Mabel.

The rift.

Oh no, the rift!


What have I done?

I got a terrible headache from whatever I was put under and why I am in some place that reminded me of the bottomless pit. Dark and lonely. I sat down and closed my eyes, pinching myself till I woke up.

"It's just a dream. This isn't happening. Bill isn't free." I peeked open my eyes. Nothing. "Damnit!"

I rested my head in my hands and took a deep breathe. "It's all my fault. I did this. Dippers in trouble because of me. What even happened to Mabel? I hate myself. I hate all of this. I can't believe I was so stupid!" I started tearing up and cradled into a ball, still with my head down.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ! dipper pinesWhere stories live. Discover now