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         In a huge city belonging to humans, lanterns lit the city streets in the cool night. The humans' cars flashed by quickly by a tiny alley between two tiny houses. A small box sat in that alley full of nettles and leaves and perhaps something else. A to be exact. I was curled up in that box, with my fur brushing against the clumps of nettle. I was only about a couple years old. I had no idea where I was, or that I was even laying in a box. 

              The engine of the cars actually seemed to sooth me, so much that I felt completely brainwashed. I didn't seem to remember a thing. I had no memories of my family, at least no memories I could think of. The only thing I remember is laying in the forest and looking up in the sky to watch the silver dotted stars. 

             I had a love for the stars ever since the day I was born. They looked like maps. The maps of the universe. Maybe, one day, they'll lead me to where I belong.


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