My new life begins now

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                            "Thank you so much, Sarah. Without you we would have never known." I said. "You are very welcome," Sarah replied. "Are you sure we can trust her?" Spots whispered to me. "I thought you wanted to go on this adventure," I replied. "I'm having second thoughts.." he said. "I heard that." Sarah said annoyed. "I am too, but do you really just want to sit around all day on the streets asking ourselves when is our life going to begin?" I asked sort of annoyed. "Okay, okay.." Spots replied still whispering. "Anyways....we'll be going," I said to Sarah while shotting Spots a stink eye. Spots can be really sweet, but at times annoying. 

                       We slowly walked away. "I love when a plan is starting to begin," Sarah said to herself with a sly smile on her face while she was watching us walk away. Sarah told us the directions to the crystal, first we have to go through a forest that no one walked through in years which now that i think about it does sound sort of suspicious, but when you have your world is in danger you'll do whatever it takes. We were silent most of the walk so I decided to start up a conversation even if it was random. "What kind of food do you like?"I asked Spots. "I really like chicken wings ..." he replied. "Know way me too! That's why i went to that alley where Popps hangs out to go to Domino's  to get some in the alley where they keep the "unfinished" food." I said.

                       "Anyways, do you have any siblings or who's your parents?" I asked. Spots smile broke. "Um.....well...let's just say it was all my fault..." Spots hesitated. "All your fault for wha...." , "Riley, I really don't feel comfrable talking bout' it." Spots said looking at the ground. "Why?!" I asked again. "IT'S JUST ALL MY FAULT, OKAY?!!" He yelled with tears in his eyes.He dropped to the ground.  He was so loud I tried to choke back tears. "I laid down beside him. Tears fell down from Spots' eyes onto the ground. We both got up and kept walking. Neither of us said anything for the rest of the walk. "Here's the entrance.." Spots said quietly no longer with tears dripping from his eyes. The entrance looked sort of scary with vines stripped all around, but I didn't say anything I just nodded and we walked through it.

                        We walked until we got to a giant spooky tree with tons of bushes around and with crows watching us where we decided to rest. Spots and I sat down by a bunch of leaves. "Riley look I just want to say...." Spots started to say. "LOOK OUT!!!" I yelled. A crow swooped past us and made us jump into the leaves which was actually covering a hole. "OWWWW!!!" I screeched in pain as i landed on rocks. "Riley you're bleeding!!" Spots exclaimed. "GAHHH!!"  I screamed. Spots put leaves on the wounds I had. It was a very deep hole so we had no way to get out. Hours pasted by while Spots was trying to heal me. "Don't worry I'm almost finished with digging!" Spots said hesitating.

                         "You've been digging for hours Spots you've barely dug anything. It's useless, we won't get out of this hole." I said sadly. "No... NO! We aren't gonna die in this hole!" Spots said determined. "Spots you're tired ,dizzy, and you're started to bleed from the rocks that scratched you're paws while you were digging..." I said with a sad face. "Please, Riley! I know we're gonna make it! I just know it!"Spots pleaded. "Okay, but can you at least rest with me for the night?" I cut him of. "Okay.." Spots heaved. Spots laid down with me on the ground and we looked up at the clouds just like we did in the park. The sun started to set and it made the sky a really pretty and romantic color. 

                             Then it became night and the stars twinkled in the night sky like a thousand lanterns floating above. Since the clouds where gone we tried to count all the stars. I fell asleep once we reached 300. I really hope we make it out of here.



Riley & Spots ll book 1 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now