Fai's Past

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              couple days later    I was laying down in front of my old cozy cottage home, watching the sun set. I still can't believe I'm home. It felt like I found my goal...but..not exactly my quest...what could their be more to life? I wish I knew, but..you can't know everything about life...I guess, the thought that everything is a surprise is what makes it more fun, but the truth is, I'm tired of all the surprises. 

                    My life is exploding in front of me and I have no idea how to react. "Hey, Riley McDiley. How's it going?" Mom asked grinning. "Riley McDiley."

                Mom grin grew, stretching across her face like a weed. "It's what me and your dad used to call you when you were little." Wasn't that what Popps called me when he and I fought? How did he know? 

                     "You've grown so much.." My weeded grin shallowed a bit into a smirk. I guess, moms like to be all cheesy about their children...it's a mixture of sort-of hilarious..but embarrassing feeling.

                           I gave her a big eye roll and puffed. Her smile stopped stretching in exhaustion. "I heard you and Fai have been having some problems.." My smirk washed of my face in guilt. I nodded. "Riley, you both are still learning..you both been through a lot-"

              "What happened to Fai?" I interrupted. "W-well....*sigh* he's been having a lot of a-anxiety lately since..his friend died a year ago." She sighed some more.

                 "H-her name was Lumi." My body  leaped in surprise to find Fai behind me. "Fai-" I started to say. "We made up this game called Hidden Treasure were we would go around the woods looking for something interesting, when I came up with a stupid idea to show her my secret hideaway which was a small abandoned burrow next to a cliff." 

                   Tears started forming in his eyes. "A-and well we were sitting there when a heard a scream from below, so I went to look below from the cliff of what happened. Lumi ran up to me and warned to not get to close..when she started slipping on the rocks and....it was all my fault."

                 "Fai, it's not your fault-" mom told him. "IT IS!!" he shrieked. No one had to use words to know that, this was a tough time for him. Drops slipped to the ground as Mom and I stayed quiet in pity. I tried to say "I'm sorry for being such a jerk!!" but the only thing that came out were meaningless noises and blurbs. 

                        Finally I managed to get an actual sentence out after a few tries. Well, at least something that sounded like one. "ImsuchabADsista." I mumbled.

                Fai paused in confusion. Water stopped streaming from his eyes as his met mine. "What?" I sighed trying to choking back tears so I could manage to get the sentence out right. "I'm such a bad sister."

                           He smiled at my remark. "You are..." Mom shot him a dirty look, but he just pretended as if it were invisible. "But your the greatest surprise sister." I gave him the best "aw thanks" smile I could give at the time since my body was imploding with tears inside. His grin gave a slight sign of hesitation. 

                     "I'll give you two some privacy." mom told us. "Also, I-I'm really sorry that I yelled at you a couple days days ago...", "Did, the things that you told me about, really happen to you?" Once he said that a pile of awkwardness fell on top of us. "Um....yes." Some more awkward silence piled up onto the pile. 

                         "H-how did it feel?", "U-um, well....I guess it felt..sort of lonely...-", "Wait, but what about the fox?" he remarked. "The fox...well, I met him only a couple months ago so before that..it was sort of...tough."

                 I watched his face crumble up in a puzzled way. "Where is he now?" Man, he really likes to interrogate. He must have seen my face sweat with vacillation because his face made a look like he was thinking "Your asking to many questions!" to himself. "Um...I..don't..really..know."  And, that was true...also, like I said before, we only met a couple months before...he probably doesn't even know I'm gone.


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