New Faces (6)

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                                   The shadow turned into a elder wolf with a blueish light gray fur coat with brown eyes and splotches of white everywhere on his fur. "My name is Stream, and I will teach you how to survive here, I'm sorry for eavesdropping, but I have been expecting you," Stream explained. Spots and I looked at each other surprised. "How did you know we were coming here, also most importantly you actually heard everything?" Spots asked with a nervous smile plastered on his face. "Yes I did and I have a....dark...past. Let's just say I might be able to see the future." he replied to Spots. Spots didn't say anything more. "Wait , you'll really teach us ?!" I asked. My face lit up."Yes, you both can stay with me for a couple weeks." Stream told me. 

                      I bear hugged Stream.  "I'll show you my den." Stream said. "Riley, are we sure we can trust him?" Spots whispered to me. "Spots, you worry to much," I teased him. We followed Stream to his den. It was as beautiful as Miniku's den! *story pauses* -Hello everyone! It is I, thy handsome Spots and I'll be telling the story now. -Spots? I'm telling the story (riley)- , -okay, but can I at least tell them the rest of the chapter?-, -okay, also guys it would be best to read this story while listening to a song, just so you know...kk..bye-*story unpauses* I thought it was really kind of Stream to offer to help us, but I don't know..maybe Riley's right. Maybe I am just worried for nothing. 

                           I'm probably just thinking that way cause he gave me a look while Riley hugged him. And no, I am not in love with Riley. Ew! Why would I be? Um, anyway, I hope he's not up to anything. "Survival lessons start tomorrow, but while you're here make yourselves at home." Stream told us. "Riley and I will take that corner, we don't want to take up much space," I said. "You won't be taking up any space at all," Stream said with a smile. I have to say his smile doesn't actually look suspicious. The place near the fire did actually look cozy . "You can both sleep by the fireplace is you want,"Stream said. I-I just thought that. Strange...I hoped it was just a random coincidence.

                             "Sure," I said. "I'll get you both something to eat. Do you like chicken?" He asked us. "YES!!!" Riley and I exclaimed laughing. Okay, maybe I'm starting to get used to him, but I make no promises. Riley and I chowed down the chicken Stream gave us just like we did in Miniku's den.I still miss them. I even miss Miniku, she may have been a little......annoying at times, and a complete push-over, but, she's a great friend. At sunset Riley and I sat there and tried to make out of some clouds look like and to be honest I really enjoy it. Then I don't know why, but out of know where I remembered bout' that fit I threw in the park, I never said I'm sorry. 

                          I don't know what gotten into me at that time. I just hesitated. I feel really bad about that. "Riley, um..can we stop and be real for a second," I asked Riley. "Sure," Riley said looking at me. Then I started hesitating when she started looking into my eyes. "Um....ah..I-I-I...I'm really sorry..that I yelled at you in the park." I said hesitating and looking into her eyes. She didn't say anything, so I continued. "It's just when you asked me about my me of my past and my past was...the worst experience I ever had...and it was all my fau.... "I explained no longer looking into her eyes just onto the ground. She hugged me before I could never say anything else. I blushed like crazy. So, maybe thoughts went through my head, but there was one that really got me caught up, She really is my best friend.

 "You don't have to tell me now, tell me whenever you're ready...." she said. That night I couldn't go to sleep. Riley's words kept rolling through my head...."Whenever you're ready."


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