Losing my Mind

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                     I sprinted to where the sound was, yep, I was right. It was a adult she-wolf and a bear. I remembered of how Spots saved me in the streets. I couldn't sit down and do nothing, I had to help her...just like Spots did to save me. 

                        Without a thought, I darted at the bear and bite it as hard as I could. The creature, in surprise, threw me to the ground yelping in pain. It scared my body , creating deep wounds, but I didn't care. The wolf finally got out of her thoughts and started attacking the bear back with me. 

                     It bit down with it's razor sharp teeth on the wolf's neck making her faint. "NO!!" I screamed. "Leave her alone!!" My head gazed up at the thick tree branches, which gave me an idea. Once the bear was under the biggest one, I put a rock into my mouth and smacked it at the branch. 

                      The bear's cry was louder than anything I ever heard! With scars and scratches all over the body, the bear laid there unconscious. 

                                        I twisted to where the wolf laid. My paws ran against the grass to a nearby pond and I poured water onto of her. Her eyes started to blink and she was starting to remember what happened. As she stood up she grasped at her breath, meeting my eyes. "R-Riley?" Once she said that word my life came into focus, all of my memories came back. She was the wolf from my visions....... 



                 Back with the trio, the bunch licked their muzzle for any left-overs from the salmon they ate. It was almost as delicious as chicken wings! And to Spots, that was a very high rank! "Ah, this is so good!" Nora cried. "I know right!" Spots and Jacob exclaimed. 

                  Nora bite off another piece of the "feast". "Mmm, this is the life." They chuckled so hard they almost choked on the salmon! "So.....bout' Riley..-" she started to say. Jacob shot her a glare that looked like he was saying "I though we agreed to not bring that up!" look. 

                   When Spots saw the look, the realization striked and pounded him in the face. "Oh, you guys can talk about her, it's okay." he blurted out. The two let out a blow of relief. "Oh...I thought that you thought we were being rude and-"

              "Hehe, I'm gonna stop talking now." Jacob face flushed into a red tomato. "Anyway, you know...Willow Waterfall is a very romantic place." Nora smirked. Spots' heart pounded like a hammer, wanting to break free. "What are you saying? Hehe.." He asked, even though knowing what she meant.

                   Before Nora could answer a screech came from the distant, so loud it could have caused an earthquake scaring them half to death. The same mist Spots saw before with Stream swooped in circling the trio. "Not again." Spots murmured. "What's happening?!" Jacob and Nora screamed glowering in horror looking at Spots in question.

                        "Something that's happening to me before, but I don't know exactly what." he said as if more annoyed than scared. "I need a miracle." he murmured to himself. The mist came closer by the second and became blacker and sharper.  

                     Spots breath was getting shorter and shorter, and his pupils became sharp and thin. The voice of the shadow spirit he heard before echoed through his head.

             "Your feelings are weak.", "You have no control.", "No one cares about you,"...... "You mean nothing." Tears started streaming down his eyes and he lost control.  

                   All out of no where, the ground disappeared beneath him and he fell down. His mind went blank as soon as he hitting what looked like the ground, awaking to what sounded like..."Spots!! SPOTS!!", "No one cares about me!" Spots exclaimed at the look of Nora and Jacob in his face. "Spots, are you okay?" Jacob asked. Spots looked at him in confusion.

                       "You feel asleep when we were eating salmon and you kept babbling words." Nora told him. "I-It was all a dream." Spots murmured to himself in joy. "What?", "Nothing, um let's start looking for the scent." 

"Hey everyone..Guys the next thing what I'm abut to ask is gonna be important so read carefully....WHAT ARE THOSE!!!!- no just kidding. Do I write the story to fast? I felt when i was writing this that i didn't include so much detail. Please tell me your opinion, and be honest. Bye."-KF

Riley & Spots ll book 1 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now