Hunting Skills

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CookieAlpaca                                                                                1 day later

                                        "Wake up sleepyheads!" Stream yelled. "Gah....Last time I slept like that I was probably a baby!" I smiled. Spots groaned. "Well, I couldn't get any sleep." I looked at him. He did look a little worn out. "Well, sleepy or not we're starting today, but Spots how about you go down to that puddle over there and splash water on your face. That always helps me when I want to get awake. Spots nodded and started walking over there. I sat down and looked up at the crystal blue sky. I wonder why my life lead me down this path. Why did I meet Spots? Why did it make me meet Stream? Why did I meet all these people when I don't even know where I'm going? And most of all why am I going on this journey?

                             Just then Spots interrupted my thoughts. "I feel a bit better now....and a bit hungry." , "Good because first thing we are going to do for training is to catch breakfast." Stream explained. "Let's start of with something easy like catching fish." he said. We walked down to the pond that was back in the forest, a couple minutes away. It toke us bout' 7 minutes. The pond was gorgeous! The rocks were glimmering in the sunlight and the water was crisp and fresh. The trees made a beautiful and mysterious background. "WHOA." Spots and I looked in aw. "It's...beautiful!" I whispered. "Yes it is." Stream said looking at it all. 

                             "Let's get started with training." he said dipping himself into the pond. We both followed. "The key to catching some delicious fish is to be silent and to wait patiently until you see one , then sneak up on it putting your quietly underwater, and once you get close enough bite down hard in the middle of it's body and reel it back to land." Spots and I quietly laid in the water until..."I see one," Spots whispered. He sneaked up to it and.."BLURB!!!" the fish yelped in panic. I laughed at the noise it made. "I caught one," Spots said while carrying the fish in his mouth. Suddenly, it escaped and flapped with its fin on his face as if to say "Hehe.. did you really think you were gonna eat me?". I tried to hold in my laughter, but I couldn't. "What are laughing at , Miss Lily pad head? You try catching it." he teased.

                        I realized there was a lily pad on my head and shook it of. "I will." I said shoving Spots teasingly. I swam after the fish and bit down as hard as I could so the fish wouldn't escape. "Phow...Here." I said proudly putting it down on the ground. "You can have the fish." Spots told me. "We can share it. You caught it first and I brang it back. It was a working effort." I said smiling. He smiled back. "You both earn it. Usually when something like that happens the two fight you made it right. To get something you want you have to earn it. Your parents would be proud." Stream told us proud fully. 

                                      I saw Spots sadden a bit, so I tried to change the subject. "Let's go back and eat this fish." They nodded and we started walking back. While we were walking two blue jays swooped in and almost knocked Spots over. "Hey watch it!" Spots yelled. What's his problem with birds? Maybe it's part of his...past. I wish he would tell me, but I can tell he isn't ready to share his thoughts. "Is this Salmon?" I asked. "Indeed it is." Stream told me. Spots didn't say anything. He just kept looking at the ground. I wonder what's going on in his mind right now. I hope one day he'll tell me what exactly happened. 

                        We returned to the den and ate the delicious salmon. "This is awesome!" Spots finally said. I'm glad he finally said something. "Mmmm, it tastes like victory!" I exclaimed. We all smiled. "Tomorrow you both are going to try to catch 3 rabbits," Stream told us. We both smiled some more. "Right now how bout' you two both work on making traps. It's good to use strength, but it's better to use your smarts." he told us. "One of my friends really knows how to make traps. She's an expert actually." I said thinking of Koko. I really miss her and Walnut. 

                         We started on making simple traps and then moved on to wrestling and finally running. By the time we were done it was already dusk. "Well, that was a busy day. Remember tomorrow we're going to do the same thing." Stream told us. "Okay," Spots said panting. We both dropped on the floor and fell quickly asleep not even bothering to look at the clouds. "Oh, teenagers." Stream said rolling his eyes with a smile on his face. 

                                He laid down beside us and closed his eyes.  That night was a very peaceful night. So peaceful crickets weren't even chirping. I think we all deserved it....The Perfect Night 

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