The Broken Truth

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                               Stops' frisked the ground for a least a smidgen of Riley's scent. "RILEY!!!" he yelped with hesitation. Spots and Stream were on a wild goose chase chasing after a goose with pale colored fur and such a burnishing ,lickin' good, gold soul she risked her life to do something nice for just some beavers.

                         After Riley fell into the water, Spots' life flashed before his eyes, all his memories came jerking back. Spots' tried to convince himself that she was alive and safe, but deep down he knew that he would never find her.  

                            "Any luck, kiddo?" Stream interrogated. Spots shook his head, his eyes filled with grief. Instead of feeling despair, Stream just smiled. " remind me of many things, but most of all, you remind me of....myself." he uttered. Spots raised his head to face Stream. "What do you mean?" he questioned. "Well, what I mean is, your brave, your bold, and your determined." Spots stared into Stream's bright, radiant eyes. 

              "You and Riley both are and I know for a fact that if you're ever apart, you won't stop until you find each other." Stream finished. "I guess Riley and I are pretty tight." Spots smirked. He loved the thought of Riley and him, teasing each other and going on adventurers together. He suddenly remembered she was gone and disheartened. The depression and hesitation shown through Spots just enough for Stream to see it. "You 'kay, kiddo?" Stream asked. Spots didn't reply. He just stared at the ground like he was having a staring competition with it. "Don't worry, I had anxiety once too. Believe me it gets better." Stream told him.

                        "UHAH, I-I..don't have...anxiety! Who said that I have anxiety!? Did they tell you anything about my anxiety?!" Spots lied. Stream gave Spots a look. "I MEAN I DON'T hAvE...oh forget it.." he sighed, his face all flushed. He turned away from Stream looking once more at the dang ground. "Lots of people think that I'm this confident teen character...that I never worry..that...I'm never depressed..but that's a lie..." he began saying. 

                        "everything everyone thinks about me is a lie...deep down...I'm just a nervous wreck." he confessed. Silence sat between them for a very long time. Stream was the first person Spots actually talked to about emotions. He was the first person that knew about it. He was the only one. Stream, seeing his anxious look, trotted over next to him and touched his nose into his side in sympathy. "Look, kid. Yes, I have to agree you are a nervous wreck, an anxious person, a...", "Please tell me your going somewhere with this." Spots said.

                                "but the truth is...we all are. Even Riley. And anxiety never completely goes away, but we can decrease it. So, here's some advice...take some time by think about all the great memories you had, because yes..sometimes people pass away, but it's not about how much time you have, it's about what you choose to do with it, so appreciate all the things you do with people, even if they're just small memories." Stream stated. "And you nervous wreck or are very confident and a great person." 

                                    Before he could say anything else Spots ran towards him and dug his muzzle into his side. "Better?" Stream smiled. "Yeah.." Spots replied grinning. They pulled away and strolled back to the den, eager to eat something before they starve to death. 

                                                 Over in the woods, Nora and I were chatting next to Wilma Waterfall. "Making flower crowns is so enjoyable for some reason!" Nora exclaimed. "Mhhmm" I mumbled. "It's like there's honey on your head! Except, it's not sticky and makes you want to gouge your eyes out!" she peeved. I turned my head around at her in shock. 

                            "Just kidding," Nora giggled. I bit her lip the thousandth time and yelped at the pain. I bit it so many times, the inside of my mouth was starting to peel of. "Riley," Nora sighed, "I know somethings on your mind." I looked into Nora's eyes anxiously like inviting her to a staring competition. I finally hesitated and gave up. 

                             "Sorry, just...what you told me...and Spots.", "WAIT!! Who's Spots? You never told me bout' this Spots' character before?!" Nora raised her eyebrows and smiled a goofy ,sly grin. "He's just a really good friend..", "Sure...whatever you have to tell yourself." Nora interrupted having the same stupid smile. 

                                    I glared at her irritated."Fine, fine." Nora rolled her eyes. "Anyway....he's like family to me and I need to get back to him!" I demanded. "Why do you want to get back to him, so much-" she blurted out. Once she said that out loud she realized she was invading personal space. "Sorry, I just-", "No, It's okay. Um..well, I guess...the truth is, I don't know who my real family, or if they're dead or not. So, I was all alone, until Spots toke a chance on me and I guess-" Nora put her paw on top of my mouth.

                      "I know how it feels too. Our mom and dad disappeared right after I was born, so...just, Sahil and me. She always tells me that our parents were really brave warriors that battled the dark, but now I know she was just kidding." Nora smirked, but down inside I knew her heart was sinking. "So, this Spots "character '-", "Don't you..." I interrupted. "Kay, Kay! But don't expect me to forget bout' it, my shining star." Nora snickered. 

                            I rolled my eyes, til' it fell on me like a boulder. "Shining star? Shining star!!!! Nora your a genius!!" I screamed and darted into the forest. "RILEY!!!" she cried dashing after me. 

Riley & Spots ll book 1 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now