Drizzles of Wonder

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                                   "Nora?! Jacob?!" Spots screamed. Rain drizzled down his sticky, wet fur. He had no idea where they were, nore did he know where he was going."GUYS?! Where are you?!" His feet stumbled on the muddy road through the thick forest. Thunder quaked the small land with anger. Spots slipped in shock of the tremor. "Ow.." he mumbled.  "I got to find..them" he panted. "Please.." All of a sudden, lightning struck the air, smashing right into a spruce heading right for Spots. "AHHHH!" 

                                At my family's cozy cottage I gazed at the pitter-patter of the stroke of rain inside. I watched it sink hard into the depths of the ground, wondering what would reveal under. That was how I felt...I was diving into the secrets of my life.

                            Life is a raindrop...we're a raindrop. As soon as we hit the ground, our minds explode with questions and wonders. We don't know what to do..I don't know what to do. "Hey Riles McDiles. How's it going?" Mom oral-ed, peering over my furry back. 

                   "Hey mom, just lost in thought." I replied.  She reflected a wary but sincere smile. "Mom..did you ever wonder, what's your journey." I questioned. "I mean..like..your role in life." Her wary grin faded into a sincere smirk. "Well, of course."

                 "Life..can be very confusing..I was just like you when I was young.. I had a very curious mind that threw me questions that puzzled me to hard..but I evantually figured it out and so will you." I raised my head to stare into her eyes. "B-but how?", "Follow your heart, because life can lure you into places where you don't want to be, so listen to your heart and soon you'll find out who you are."

                       Tears ran to my eyes like lightning. "I want to..but it's to much to take in. I don't want to rush life", "Well, then don't." - "How?" I asked. "Lot's of people think that life is rushing them, but that's they're making it a rush. It's all your choice. Nothing comes immediately." Her expression became all baffled. "Riley, how was your life..when..we lost you?"

                       "It was..confusing. Animals teased me. Humans ignored me completely. I had..well, I guess I could say I had to much alone time, well until I was fighting some alley cats for food when they decided to try eating me, when...a fox rescued me." I uttered remembering Spots. 

                    He..was my first friend. But, it's not like he's ever going to be family. I don't think he wants to be or if he even cares that much about me. I'm where I'm supposed to be...aren't I? 

                Before I could say anything else Fai slumped in with a worn-out expression glued on his face and deep black circles under his eyes. "Bruh, I can't go to sleep." he complained.

                 "Me neither." I chuckled. He jumped once I said that. "Oh, Riley. Hehe, sorry." he said with his face a slight flushed. "It's okay. But, if we can't go to sleep..what do we do?" I asked mom. Fai gasped when a splendid idea hit him. "What if we go to the pond?!" ,"But it's raining." I murmured sort of annoyed. 

                       "Oh, right." he mumbled with his heart sunk. I felt bad for him so I quickly came up with another idea. "But, what if we tell stories to each-other so that we don't gouge our eyes out of boredom." I snickered. "Yeah! Mom can we?" Fai asked.

                     Mom's smile thinned out with a serious look now on her face. "I'm sorry to ruin you're fun, but may I remind you it is 2:00 in the morning.", "Please, please, please?" Fai and I begged for what felt like an hour. 

                   Finally, mom gave in. "Okay, okay. But when I tell you to go to sleep, lights out without a note of complaining. Deal?" Fai and I looked at each-other and smirked. "YES!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Mom chuckled and we started telling random stories to each-other.

                   Some scary, some just deep, and some just plain wonky! Just like my me.

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