Make It on My Own

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                                              When I started of on my journey again the only thing I thought about is my visions. I didn't of nothing else, not Nora, not any of my worries, not even Spots. I was following my heart, even if I didn't know where I was going, but I do know my goal. I listened to the graceful sounds of the forest as I strolled. I suddenly felt a tiny, but sharp whisk of wind make a chill go up mu spine. "Winters coming." I muttered under my breath. My paws continued  to crunch on the autumn leaves through the little woods with a slight rhythm. One, two, one, two, one, two... 

                                         For some reason, I felt sort of light-headed, sort of cool,sort My paws began to move in a quicker rhythm, then a sprinting motion, until I finally darted of into the dark of the woods. I felt the soft grass brush gently along the sides of my legs and the cool dirt, beneath my pads. 

                                              "WHOOHOO!!!" I shouted as loudly as I could. All the creatures in the forest stared at my behavior, but I didn't care. I was free, free from Popps, free from those cats teasing me on the streets, and free from my worries. 

                        As dusk began the fall down from the sky, I became hungrier by the minute.  I decided to hunt something down before my stomach takes control. All of a sudden, a chipmunk passed by. "Oh yeah." I whispered to myself.

                        I hid behind some tall grass, waiting for the chipmunk to come close enough and..."MEEEEPPP!!!" Oh yeah baby! I'm having chipmunk with a side of grass tonight! As soon as I killed it, I just realized what I did. "Oh....what have I done! What have I done?! What have I done?! WHAT...HAVE..I...DONE?!" I stared at the poor, innocent critter. "I'm sorry," I ate the chipmunk with guilt splattered on my furry face. 

                          The stars lit up the sky like laterns, shimmering a special glow, showing through one by one. "You can always follow the stars to find me." The wolf's voice mimicked through my head. "I need to find them." I whispered. "I need too." Getting up from the bristle, dew-drop grass, I ran of into the night, hoping to find what I'm looking for.


                                     In Nora's and Sahil's lodge, Spots was sound asleep, without a care in the world. He was dreaming him eating chicken wings, which was why a tiny bit of drool was slipping down his muzzle. "eat.." he murmured. "Uh...Spots?" Nora questioned looking above him like a giant. "Spots!" she shouted. 

                                        "Don't you dare mess with the miraculous..chicken wings." he blurted slill in sleep. Nora sighed and went to go get some water. As soon as she came back she dumped it on her head and screamed. 

                   "CHICKEN!!!" Spots stared in shock realizing he had drool running from his mouth. He flushed and quickly cleaned it up. "Ah, okay now that I remember where I am, WHY THE HECK DID YOU WAKE ME UP?!" 

                                She gave him a look. The realization finally hit him. "Oh...the trip...sorry." he flushed once more. "It's kay'. So, you like chicken wings?" Nora smirked. "Yeah," She rolled her eyes and gestured for him to get up. "Pack up. Jacob will be here soon." Spots nodded and went to the small river nearby to get some meat/fish for the journey. The forest froze in silence as he passed through as if time went to a halt.

                                   He snapped at a fish and darted back through the forest. "Whats up with all the animals?" he thought glaring at all the critters gleaming, dark eyes pointing directly at him. 

                                  Once Spots got back he noticed Jacob had arrived. "Hey, Spots!" he shouted noticing Spots walk up with a fish in his jaw. "Phou, Hey Jacob." He spit out the fish. 

                                   "Are you sure you guys are okay with going with me? Your families will probably be worried." Spots asked nervously. "Are you kidding?! This is going to be the adventure of our lives!" Nora and Jason exclaimed. Their eyes were filled with sparks of excitement."Plus, my mother's out on a mission to find a safe place for our herd to stay at with a few other deer which will take a few days, so for now, I'm on my own." Jacob told Spots.

      "And my sister Sahil went out to do a throughout hunt since snow is going to fall soon so she'll be away for a day and it will take a long time to carry back all that prey she probably buried to take back on the way home." Nora added.  "Although I we have to go back home by tomorrow or Wednesday." Nora told. 

                                 "Okay then, let's hit the road!" Spots hollered. They all chuckled a bit and, Spots said.."HIT THE ROAD!".

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