Lost and Found

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                         "Riley!" Tears flowed through my eyes blurring my vision. My m-mom's fur felt silky and smooth like a cloud as I clinged to her. She gazed into my eyes in awe....after all those years, she finally found her daughter..and I found her. 

                   "I can't believe it! Riley, you came back!" I listened to her babble on about how happy she was to see me, and you can't imagine how relieved to find her. "Mom...." I interrupted. She paused in silence. "...w-why did you leave me all those years ago?" Her face began to crumble in hesitation and agony. 

                     "Oh Riley...believe me...I didn't want to leave you, I'll tell you all about it, but right now let's go to the den. You look like your starving.", "Wait? You mean, the den where...I was..." Her head bobbled up and down in agreement. There were butterflies zooming around inside my stomach at the thought in excitement. I'm home. 

                  We started striding of to the my old humble home in exhilaration. My feet wanted to race of to the den, but I didn't want to lose my family again so they stayed put. 

                 Oh my gosh....I can't believe it...home. There were vines stripped all over with petals breaking free from shrubs and plunging onto the lush, green moss that was plastered onto a log that laid on top of the hut.

                   It was breathtaking. It toke me a moment to awake from the awe and brushing of the dream, I walked up to it. 

                    Mom told me she'd be back in a second and rambled inside the dark of the lodge. I, well..I just continued to admire. "Mom, I was sleeping!-" a voice grumbled inside. Once I could make out the shape I realized what it was..well, more like who it was.

                Me and him stared at each-other in shock for a while until my mom broke the silence. "Fai, this is your sister, Riley. Riley, this is your brother, Fai." Fai and I were grasping so much air into our lungs we almost choked on it. 

                     We both felt the exact same feeling...even though we just met each-other, we felt like we knew each-other our whole life. And another flood of tears were on a run. "Fai...that's a nice name." I told him awkwardly. "Riley! He's your brother don't say that! He's not a stranger!" I thought embarrassed. 

                           "Thanks, your's is too." he replied with his eyes all wet. Boys usually have this stronger sense of feelings, so they try not to show their desperation, but I could tell he was tearing up. My heart was exploding inside my chest. 

                   Another moment of silence stood between us. "Umm, let's go inside to eat. Chicken wings on me." Mom reported. My mouth hung open. "How did you-", "A mother always knows." She winked at me. I'm sorry, but I have to say this again....I'm home.

                        Down, deep in the forest in the early dusk, Spots, Jacob, and Nora were standing in the center of the beginning of a slight shower.

         "Guys, it's starting to rain." Jacob uttered to the group. "Jacob's right...we should go to take cover." Nora added. Spots gazed up into the twilight dew drop sky feeling trickles of drops on his nose. 

         "Guys, a little rain won't hurt. Besides, it's sot of nice after all those hot, sticky days.", "I know, I know..just-" Nora glared at the ground. Spots and Jacob realized what was going on just in time. "Wait, are you scared?"Spots asked mischievously. "And they said it couldn't be possible!" Jacob snickered. 

                   Nora flush trickled up her spine to her face proving the boys right. "It is true!", "Stop it...I-I just have experience from lots of storms." The boys smiles just widened. "Like what, like what, like WHAAAAAAAATTT?!" 

            Nora flushing began forming into trigger, bolting inside her body. "Nothing OK?!" After lots of failure the two finally got bored and stopped trying. The three laid in mute, just when a lightning bolt struck the air. Their fur frizzed up in fear. "Okay, so maybe I was wrong about the shower thing." Spots grumbled. 

                "Let's go find some shelter." Jacob told them. Nora and Spots nodded and got up from the damp mud. "Hopefully, there's not going to be any more storms this week." Unfortunately for the trio, there was.  

Riley & Spots ll book 1 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now