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               Out of the bushes came Fai looking as confused as ever. "Hey Fai." I murmured trying to put on a smile on my face. He trotted over to me slowly and looked at me twice before saying anything. "W-What....what happened?" he asked. "I, I'm sorry." I said to him. "That was just a really good friend of mine, and...just.." Before I could say anything else Fai pushed hi nuzzle into my side in sympathy. 

               "I know how that feels." he murmured to me quietly. "I lost someone too." I sighed out the slightest breeze. "Yeah Lumi.." He looked up to meet his eyes with mine. I could by the look in his eyes he was being serious. "Yeah, I lost Lumi, but I also lost another person.", "Another friend?" I asked in pity.                                                                                                                                                  "No, you."                                                                                                                                                                               "Me?"                                                                                                                                                                                            "Yeah, I know that I never met you until now, but mom and dad kept telling me when I was born that I had another sibling and that maybe they would come back some day and I never realized how much I needed you until now." I tried not to cry but what Fai said made me feel, something I rarely feel, love. "Fai!" I exclaimed throwing myself at him and nuzzled him. "Thank you." He nuzzled back and we hugged for what was moments but felt like years. "Thank you." 

           I guess kins are always the closest. They give you memories you never forget and the ones you'll look back on. Gradually, we finally let go of i, you don't need to  answer if it's personal, but, who were you talking to before a couple days before here? I mean, when I accidentally followed you here." 

         "Yeah, ACCIDENTALLY." he sneered back. "What? It was an accident!", "Yeah, okay. But, you actually heard me?" I hesitated, but nodded back yes. "It, it's hard to explain, but let me get one thing straight. I'm not to the frogs kk?" he chuckled. We both cracked up and got back to the topic. "But then who were you talking to?" I asked.

        "I-I can't tell you." he stammered in hesitation. "I'm sorry." I sighed, but I couldn't help feeling sympathy. Everyone has their reason and Fai must have to. Things don't happen with no reason. Even the most weird actions. "Okay, then tell me when you feel ready. I'm always going to be here if you need me.", "Thanks."

       "Let's go back now." I sighed."Okay." If Spots's is really gone, at least I'll Fai will be by my side. Before we could make our way out back on the trail I heard a rustle in the bushes again.  

AND ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER!! (although I'm that evil cause you guys can just go to the next page :P but who cares)

ps. the last chapter is next but I'm going to make a second book :) so no worries!

Riley & Spots ll book 1 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now