Author's Note

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Oh my gosh!!! It's finished! I can't believe it!!! I've worked on this for a year, but it was worth it. I'd to thank all of you guys for reading this till' the end (cause why else would you be reading this, unless you skipped ahead ;-;) Also side not, there will be a book 2 which will take another year probably, so please have patience. I don't know if I'll make the final third book (or fourth book). Comment down below if you think I should. So, I actually invented this series in 2016/2015 but I actually started writing this book in 2017.ctually thought of making it a mini series, but then I realized I could actually make it more than that and I started putting together more and more parts in my mind until my brain finally forced me to write it down. The first character was Riley (obviously). I made her as my um...sort of imaginary pet thing....or adoptable. Then I created a dog named Spots (he was an actual legit dog before) and then I decided to put them together in a mini series. Just like one of those series where they just show the adventures of two characters wandering along the city or something, but then I was like, "Wait a second...this isn't mini series material! It's series, series material!!!" So, that is how Riley and Spots came to be. I've been thinking of changing the name, but I couldn't really think of anything more suitable than "Riley and Spots". So, that's how the name is going to stay. Again thank you for reading, and I'll see you in the next book. ☺

(also yeah, I know that all lot of you must be asking about Sarah and the gems and I will include that in the next's part of the whole plot so pay careful attention to the chapters in this book and the next)

Riley & Spots ll book 1 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now