Building Up in Inside

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                        The sweet, glazed chirp of bluebirds waked me right up. Just as a turtle would have done, I flipped over on my back staring at the baby blue velvety clouds. Even though it's been about 2 days I still had to get used to where I was. Yesterday was basically a day to get used to everything, nothing much. 

                  All out of  sudden, mom's head popped over my face. "Wake up sleepyhead!" she yelled. I made such a noise....well it was sort of a"BLURB" I guess?  Anyways, it was so..awkward that mom's face flushed at the noise I made.  

                   "Sorry mom. I guess I still have to get used to the change..hehe." My skinny legs rose me up. Her embarrassment turned molded into a smile. "Oh, Riley, always was and will be a goofball." she teased. "Breakfast will be ready soon. Your father will be hopefully be home in-", "A couple of days?" I sighed. She grudged forcing a tiny smile, but underneath I knew she was hurting a bit, wondering why he hasn't come home yet.

                  Dad was on a 2 day hunting trip, but hasn't come home yet and it's been a week since he left. "Fai is going to the lake for some alone time. He'll be back soon. You can go for some time alone too if you want." 

                  "No tha-" I started to say, but then I started thinking. I don't really have anything else so maybe i should. "Actually maybe..okay." Moms face shifted into a serious look. "Okay, Riley.. but just promise me one thing.", "Yeah mom?" Her face began to redden with hesitation.

                  "Promise me that I won't lose you again...Riley when your dad and I lost you, it was the worst thing that ever happened to us in our lives and we've been through a lot. So, please don't go." My face started to reflect the same expression.

                    "M-mom, what happened for you...t-to lose me?" Silence sat between us. It was so quiet that I could hear my heart pounding, wanting to escape out of my chest. 

         "Someone toke you away-" she paused beginning to smile a weak fake grin. "But that's not important right now..come back in an hour or half.", "KK!! See you later!" I launched of into the sun rays until I heard a noise behind me. 

                  I only had a few options, hide for cover..or start another fight and possibly lose my family again. I chose hide! I leaped into a bush besides me, peering out to the sight of Fai trotting cautiously down the trail. 

                      "Fai?" I whispered to myself. He immediately twisted around to look if someone was behind him. Whoops. I guess my voice was to loud.  

              He shrugged and without a care in the world kept gliding away. Maybe I should follow him....not the be sneaky....just the make sure he was safe. Pshh, I totally wasn't spying. Plus, it would maybe improve our bonding. The only thing he said so far to me these past two days was when we heard a noise at night and he asked me if I could go check what was outside.

                     I quickly slipped away, following him to a tiny grassy pond. He glared at the water for a couple seconds, whispering to himself. All of a sudden he randomly "canon balled" into the water splashing everything around him, including me. I guess, the wolf really liked his water. 

                  "I don't know what to do, my sister just randomly shows up to the door and explodes my whole life! I didn't even know I had a sister!" My body froze up like an icicycle at his outburst. "I know, I's just that my life has already been burned up, but she just had to make it worse." he sighed. 

                         My heart broke at that comment as I tried to choke back tears. Then all that sadness gurgled up inside me by a feeling I haven't felt in a long time...I was angry. Most of my life I've gotten depressed (well maybe not when I was dealing with Popps), but rarely ever furious.

                     All out of nowhere, I slipped on a puddle of water causing Fai to spot me just in time before my face smacked into the dirt. "ow." I heard his footsteps as he slumped up to me. They weren't loud and angry stomping or anything, they were sort of quiet actually.

                    I raised my face and blood rushed to my face. "Hehe, whoops." His expression got scrunched up like a jumbled up like a vine. "You followed me?!!", "S-sorry, I-I just wanted to make sure you were o-okay.", "NO YOU DIDN'T!! You invaded my privacy!" he screamed.

                    "Sorry-", "First you randomly show up at the lodge and now you're snooping around? You're such a spy! You have no idea what I've been through!" 

               Then all of a sudden the anger that was built up inside of me for all those years darted out. "You have no idea what I 've been through!! You grew up with an awesome family, down in a two-leg city I had NO ONE! My only home was a box on the street! You get ton of fresh kill! I had to go down to a two-leg (human) box with rotten food inside behind an alley and sometimes fight some cats for it!! My only friend was a crafty fox as family-" I paused thinking of Spots. 

                         Then my memories came back, making me feel the same way I did when I found mom. But...Spots probably wasn't even looking for me, no one really cared about me..only mom. 

               "You know what have it your way..I'm going back to the den." I mumbled. I started sprinting away. "Riley wait!" Fai yelled, his face lit with guilt. 

Hey everyone. I feel this chapter is sort of short, if it is sorry..I'll make another one soon. Anyway hoped you enjoyed this one!

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