Promise me no Promises (5)

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                            1 week later      "Haha! You'll never catch me uncle Spots!" yelled Walnut at Spots. Spots and I became such good friends with Miniku and her pups that the pups are willing to call us uncle and aunt! Miniku invited us to stay for 4 more nights and Spots and I told her it was okay, but she insisted to repay us for saving her from a panic (not really at heart-) attack. "We'll see pup!!" Spots exclaimed teasing. "Auntie Riley, can you help me with making something?" Koko asked (sorry I didn't tell you her name before X3). "Sure Koko, what are you making?" I asked. "I'm trying to make a trap , it's going to be my GREATEST TRAP YET! Mommy tried to teach me how to hunt, but it didn't work out so well, so from that day on I tried to outsmart animals," Koko said with a smile. "That's so cool! Lots of animals are born with strength, but the strength doesn't matter as much as the smarts," I replied. Koko gave me a big hug and we went over inside the den to get the supplies. 

                                      After Koko and I build the trap, Miniku called us for dinner. We all sat and ate deer tonight. I got to admit it was REALLY GOOD!!! Then we all heard a strange noise like a chipmunk yelping that was caught in Koko's trap. "I guess were gonna have deer with a side of chipmunk tonight!" Spots smiled. We all dug into our deer and ate the chipmunk after. Then the pups had to go to sleep for there daily nap (they were still 3/4 moons old). "So, how was your day with Walnut?" I asked Spots. "It was awesome! He is such a cool little pup! And he's really fast to....I couldn't even catch him! How was your day with Koko?" Spots asked me. "Well look who's in a good mood," I shoved Spots playfully. "Anyways, it was great. She is so smart. I wish there was some way to show other people how talented she is.." I told Spots. Spots smiled. "Riley McDiley always caring for others," Spots said. I blushed. 

                              We stood there silently for a moment. "Want to go to the stream for a moment?" I asked. "Sure," he replied. We walked together to the stream near by. I jumped into the water splashing Spots. "Phooo..." Spots said squirting water out of his mouth. "Sorry, hehe.." I smiled nervously. "No it's my fault. I should've seen that coming from a cat like you." Spots said with a smile. He dived in splashing me. When he came up he had a sly smile on his face. We kept splashing each other. " I've been looking for you..." Miniku came up to us and said. Spots and I froze in place. "Uhhhhhhhhhh......" we both said looking at Miniku and then at each other then back at her. "Why didn't you tell me you were going here?" she asked, her face softening up. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you." Spots said taking the blame. "No, it's both our fault...I'm sorry...we forgot to tell you," I said. 

                            "Well, while you're here...can I join you?" she asked eagerly. "Sure!" we both said. "I may be old, but I do like to swim!" she exclaimed. "You're not that old," I said. We swam together for about an hour. "Hey guys I got a clam." Spots said grunting with the clam in his mouth. "Cool, is there a pearl in it?" I asked. Spots put it on the ground and tried to open it. When he did there were 3 white pearls inside. "Wowza..." Spots exclaimed in disbelif. "You guys can keep them. Take them as guest gifts." Miniku told us. "No, no ,no you already let us sleep here for a week. Take these as gifts from us for letting us stay here for a while. They can be for you, Koko, and Walnut." I told her.

                       "You are the sweetest wolf I ever met." Miniku said to me. I blushed. "And you are the friendliest fox slash dog I ever met," she told Spots. He smiled. We all headed back to the den. "Well....I guess this is it." I said sadly. "Hey, whenever you guys need help, you can always come to me. We both hugged her. "Can you please tell Walnut that I'll miss him." Spots asked Miniku. "Of course," she replied. "And please tell Koko I'll miss her," I said. "Thank you so much for everything, we'll never forget you." I told her starting to get tears in my eyes. We hugged once more and Spots and I walked away. "Did we make the right choice Spots?" I asked him looking back at the den. "Don't worry.....they'll be okay." Spots said looking at the ground sniffling. I knew he was crying, but I didn't mention it cause I thought I would be overstepping my boundaries. 

                            "I hope you're right..." I replied. We didn't talk again until we got to a grassland about a mile or two from Miniku's den. "So, where are we going," I asked. "I don't know," he said quietly. "Maybe let's learn to hunt and get more used to living in the wild......again." he told me. "Okay, but what do you mean by 'again'. You and I never lived in the wild." I asked. "I lived in the wild for 2 years...." Spots said looking back at the ground once again. "Why did you lea...." I started to say. "It's complicated..." he said cutting me off.  I had a bad feeling it had something to do of why he had a melt down in the park. I hope one day he'll tell me, no matter what even if he has a dark past, I will always be his friend. 

                                "Um...anyway, how are we going to learn to survive here? We both don't know so who's going to teach us?" I asked Spots. "I will....." said a voice. "Who are you?" Spots and I both looked up to see a dark shadow.......

Riley & Spots ll book 1 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now