The Past is in The Past

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"Where are we?" I yawned forcing myself to sit up. Then I realized Spots and I were in the hole. "Morning sunshine!!" Spots exclaimed. He yelled it so loud I fell back from I sat. Spots flinched in surprise of my reaction. "Spots you scared me!" I said shoving him playfully. "Sorry, wait, you can move?!" Spots exclaimed. I looked at my paw. "Yeah, I guess my wounds healed overnight! Oh, Spots you still have a tiny bit.." I stopped and frowned at his wounds and scratches on his paws. "It's fine, although I do feel a little dizzy...." Spots said. Then suddenly he fell on the ground. "Spots! Are you okay?!" I asked.

"Yeah......just tired....very tired." , "It's rest on the ground."I replied. Suddenly a shadow covered the hole. Spots and I looked up. I couldn't see exactly who was there just a dark shadow. "Who are you?" I asked. I didn't expect any answer, I honestly was just relieved that someone came to save us. The shadow pulled a giant tree branch down so we could climb up. I helped Spots climb up. I realized the shadow was a female fennec fox with a mix of human skin color and light pink and she had strips on her ears. Spots must of noticed too because he said "Your strong for a fennec fox," I shot him a look. "I mean of course your strong not for fennec fox, I mean you are a fennec fox....." , The fox rolled her eyes. "What he means is thank you for saving us. By the way who are you?" I asked.

"I am Miniku. Your lucky I came across the hole while I was hunting. Come with me to my den. Your raccoon friend has wounds all over him," she said. We followed her. "My name is Spots and I'm a dog!" Spots muttered behind her. "I know," she replied. I tried to hold my laughter. Poor Spots. We followed her until we got to a beautiful den that had moss all over the it and had a tree branch next to it.... "Your den is beautiful!" I exclaimed. "Thank you. It took me 5 months to make it look that way, but it was worth it." Miniku replied proudly. "Come with me Spot raccoon, we need to heal those wounds of yours,"she told Spots. "Well, at least she included Spots." Spots told me.

I laid down on the ground and watched Miniku put water on his wounds and Spots yelping because it hurt so bad. I wonder why my wounds healed overnight. Mine were a lot deeper than Spots'. I decided not to worry about it and focus on what's happening now. Now that Spots stopped yelping,Miniku tied leaves on with a vine and told him to eat some berries she gave him. Spots didn't argue and ate them. Spots limped over to me. "You both look hungry. Would you like something to eat?" Mininku called while padding toward us. "Yes, that would be great." I mumbled gratefully. She went into the den and pulled out a racoon that was no longer alive and was stripped of its musty fur.

"You can both split this one." she told us. Spots laid down with me and we both started chowing down our food. "Pups it's time to eat!" Miniku yelled. "Pups?" Spots and I exclaimed. One tiny pup came out of the den that had the same fur color as Miniku except with strips on her forehead not her ears and with a white muzzle. "Mommy, Walnut won't come out. He's sleeping again." the tiny pup said to Miniku. "Okay sweetie, go eat your food while I get your brother." she replied. "No way. We thought you were younger." Spots told her. "Why thank you, spots. When you're as old as me, you take that as a complement. By the way I never did get your name wolf cub." she told me. "My name is Riley and I'm a cat." I replied. "You look like a wolf to me," she said heading inside the den.

"Honestly I can't believe I'm saying this, but she's right, you got the ears of a wolf, you got the muzzle of a wolf, and you got the smarts and looks of a wolf." Spots said. "Maybe. Also you are sort of like a fox I gotta admit." I replied. "What no way. Have you seen my tail?" he said. "Yeah, but your sly and smart like one and your ears and tail are starting to form like a fox's tail and ears." I replied. "Mommy! I was having a dream were I was eating a juicy chicken! I don't want to wake up." Walnut complained. He looked exactly like a walnut with his mother's strips on his forehead except his stripes were dark brown. "If you stay awake for dinner maybe I can make that wish come true." Miniku told him. Walnut spotted the delicious chicken wing that the other pup was eating.

"Yum!" Walnut exclaimed while running to eat with his sister. "Also mommy who are they?" he asked. "They're just guests," Miniku said.Once the pups finished they're meal they went inside to sleep. "Thank you for everything, but we must go. I hope Sarah doesn't doesn't mind we're a little late." I told her and Spots. "Gia?!" Miniku yelled. "What..what do you know about her?!" she asked. "W-why do you ask?" Spots and I asked at the same time. Miniku's fur fluffed up defensively and her claws sank in the dirt.

"Miniku? Are you okay?" I asked while trying to press up against her flank to comfort her, but she flinched and shot away before I could. "Get away.."

You have your pups here..." Spots asked her. "I had an older pup, her name was Shanaya for some reason she took her." she told us. "Um....maybe let's go to sleep. It's getting dark." Spots said to us. Miniku and I nodded. An hour later as always Spots and I looked at the clouds together and tried to make out what they looked like. The sun was setting so it was making it look really gorgeous.

" you think we should listen to Gia? Oh course I want to save the planet, but I can't trust someone who made someone get a panic attack." , "I don't know, but I do know if we don't take this risk we will never get another chance and find out who we are." Spots said looking at me. "Maybe we should find out more about Sarah before we take any risks. One thing I learned about myself ever since I was born was that once I start something I won't stop until I finish it."  

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