Mistakes lead to Memories

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                                    There was only one thing I felt after those visions when my mind went blank. I felt dizzy. You know when it's winter and the snow is all piled up on top of tree branches on top of a mountain and suddenly some kids come to swing on the tree branches which causes an avalanche. The snow is my locked up thoughts that just came impacted the center of mind by those visions. I don't how I met all these people. I don't know where I am. I don't even know who I am, but now I do know I had a family. Suddenly, I woke up to the sight of the hard flippin' ground in my face. "Ughhh...Who am I." I asked myself. "Uh, I mean where am I," I corrected myself quickly. "I don't know..I just met you." said a voice. 

                             I raised my head above the ground to see a female fox that looked about 11. "My name's Nora..you?" she asked curiously. I could tell she was the the meddlesome with just one look at her. "Riley," I grudged not bothering to pick myself up. She offered to help me up. "Thanks, so were am I?" I asked sighing with a faint smile. She had white fur and gray strips on her forehead. "You're at Wilma Waterfall." she told me. "Ah, don't you just love the smell of the fresh lemongrass. I smelled awesome lemongrass here and there, but the one here is epic!" she sighed in aw. "Wait, Wilma Waterfall? Doesn't this waterfall have another exact replica of it that's called..um..what is that one called."I asked. "Willow waterfall?" she asked cutting me off. 

                                                     "A good friend asked me to meet him at Willow Waterfall. Can you show me how to get there?" I asked smiling fully now. There were so many stars in my eyes I was afraid my eyes might explode. "Sure, but how do I know I can trust you?" she asked. Her smile faded and another look came up and it was very serious. "Once you can prove to me you are a true friend, I'll take you you there, but for now you're sticking with me." Nora explained. I hate to admit it, but that was actually are really smart process. She reminded me a bit of Koko. Nora was really intelligent and very mischievous. "Come on. I'll take you to my den." she insisted. I could smell the sweet smell of dandelions as we pranced through a field. The field was as beautiful as the pond Spots, Stream, and I went to 2 weeks ago.

                                                    "So, were are you from?" Nora questioned to me. I saddened a bit, but not completely. "I...well..let's just say I do have a family, just not exactly....um..here. Where are you from?" I hesitated. I didn't want to tell her the whole truth yet. I just don't feel very comfortable talking about it just like Spots. "It's just me and Sahil." she told me. "Who's Sahil?" I asked. "Nora!" a fox yelled at her. "She is.."Nora whispered to me still glancing at Sahil jogging right over to us. "Nora, the deers invaded the burrow, and toke all our grubs and meals." she told her. "Again?!" Nora whined. "Yes...." Sahil paused and suddenly eyed me.

                                    "Who is she?" she irked staring at Nora. I had a cruddy feeling that this will not turn out as I hoped.  "Nora....we've been through this, no more people!" Sahil uttered to her. I stared at the lush , reddy ground wishing that I was napping at Stream's lodge right now. Or whirling on the dirt with Spots, or even arguing with Popps! Anything other than this. "She's just a visitor!" Nora moaned.  "Look, fine...she can stay for tonight, but only tonight, okay?" Sahil said sternly. My face lit up. "Thank you so much! I promise I won't do anything wrong!" I realized I had a cheesy smile taped all of my face and tried to wipe it off. "Don't mind, Sahil...she a control freak sometimes," Nora blurted. We continued strolled on to the little lodge, while Sahil was scanning the forest for something to fetch for dinner.                                                                                                                                                                                "She's not a control freak.....she just has her own                                                  way, that's all."I  replied. "Plus, I think there's good in everyone. Also,                                            um...is she your mom..or.." , "No...nooo...thank god NO! She's my sister, though.                            So, down to the ground in boss town." Nora cut me of. I smiled and  looked at my                                              body. "Hey, how come there's no scratches on my body?" I exclaimed alerted at the      sight. "Well...there's something I need to tell you..." she said hesitating. I immediately paused in motion and yelped at the pain of dirt rocks scratching my pads. Her neon green eyes shined with hesitation as she starting stammering. "Riley, I didn't find you by my own.....it was night and I  was walking by Wilma W-Waterfall and...I saw some fireflies, but when I came close                         they didn't fly away, instead they started shining a green emerald light and urged me to f-follow them. The fireflies led me too you and you were shining a light I never seen before. It was the brightest of them all..i-i-it was...unique." Nora explained. I kept staring in her eyes and left me speechless. 

                                   "Your eyes were closed, but you had tears swimming down your face...a-and..t-they were glowing the same light." Nora told me. I felt the same kind of dizzy as I did when I woke up. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do to. I was..just..s-speechless.      

Riley & Spots ll book 1 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now