Little Goes a Long Way

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                                                                                   2 week later 

                                                Nothing really important really happened over the week. Spots and I just did the same thing over and over again during the days though we do get better at the training each day. "Hey, Stream said we can have a free day today! What you wanna do?" Spots rushed over to me. "I don't know. What were you thinking?" I asked. "Well, I haven't really thought about it...We could race each other in the woods like we did in the park then go the the blossom fields, and finally to Willow Waterfall." I could literally see Spots body bounce eagerly like a thing that hoomans keep in toy stores called a bouncy ball. Even his face is splattered with excitement. 

                            "Willow Waterfall? You mean that place where everyone knows anyone who goes there falls in love?" I asked smiling persistently . Is Spots actually asking me on a date? Once I said that it looked like there was a thunderstorm in Spots' head that washed away all of the excitement on his face and left him blank and his face red. "Um.." he muttered. We stood there for a minute. "Just kidding!" I exclaimed. I can't believe he actually fell for that! It's obvious that I'm joking...Anyways.. 

                                 The ground sloshed beneath our paws as we stepped in the squishy mud that led into the forest. As the birds sang above us, I saw Spots shooting them a dirty look. It was even dirtier than my paws after stepping into all that mud. Seriously, what's his problem with birds? Guess, I'll never know. We raced a bit and passed some some beavers that were next to a faint stream trying to build a dam with the logs that laid next to them. We asked if we could help them and they told us sure, just to watch out for the logs because they're slippery and could knock you into the stream if you don't watch out. 

                                         "Kay, don't step on the logs, got it." I said. I turned around to find a pile of sticks laying on the ground. The sticks had this rough texture and make me itch as I carrying them in my mouth, but some sticks can't stop me. I leaped across the rocks and put the bark into the half-finished haven. The rocks got slipperier and slipperier as Spots and I kept putting them in. "You guys actually do this everyday?" I asked the beavers panting. "Well, not really everyday, but yes. We like to be busy, busy, busy!" one beaver said. I can't believe those poor beavers work on this all day! "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't tell you my name. My name is Roger." Roger told us, interrupting my thoughts. 

                               "Erm, hey, the dam supposed to leak like that?" Spots asked. There was a giant spring of water leaking out of the dam that is starting to make a ton of sticks fall out, faster by the minute. Roger yelped. "No not at all!" The beavers started to pat down on the tiny home, but it was no use. Suddenly, the whole thing exploded with the liquid like explosives that were set on lava rather than fire. "No!" I yelled. "Roger I'm so sorry that, that happened!" I said sadly. "It's okay. These things happen a lot more often than you think." Roger told us with a faint smile. All of  sudden an idea flew into my head. It was dangerous, but I would take any risk to make it right. I jumped on of the biggest logs in the pile. It was scratchier, sharper and left more cuts than all of the sticks in the land combined together, but I didn't care. 

                            "Riley, NO!" Spots screamed, but I didn't hear him. The log rolled roughly leaving cuts all over my body, but I kept rolling. Water smeared all over my fur as the log fell into the tiny river, launching me into it. As I fell under, I swallowed a ton of water and cut myself against the razor rocks at the bottom. All I could hear was the mumble of panick above before the water flooded my ears. Suddenly, my mind went blank....although not completely. I woke up to find my myself in the middle of nowhere. All I could see was black. "Where am I?" I exclaimed. "Someone PLEASE help me!!!" I screamed. Suddenly, the black turned into a cave. I was relieved. Someone found me! I saw a cat that....frankly..looked, but with gray fur and white marks.  "Neko, we can't do this." a she-wolf, a bit older than me whispered. "Yes we can." a tom fox responded. "We just need to trust them." I wonder what he meant by them. Who were them. Who were they.

       Once it ended another one started. "The stars...they're the maps of the universe." I suddenly saw a wolf that looked a lot like me. She had the same marks on her ears as me, same color of fur, but she looked a tiny bit different. Why is the screen moving, so quickly. Could it be possible....I'm looking through someone's mind?! "Riley.....even if we will be apart, you can always follow the stars to find me." My heart froze.

                                                                  Did she mean me?  

                                        Before I could get even more puzzled, the screen stopped showing the vision and showed Miniku telling us to never trust Sarah and then it went crazy and speeded through a ton of other visions which made my fall back asleep and make my mind go blank again.      

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