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                     Rustling out of the bushes came mom which I expected but who came out next I wasn't ready for.. "Riley..I think someone wants to see you." mom told me. I turned my head just in time to find Spots limping out behind mom from the bushes. He immediately freezed once he saw I was there. 

               "Come on Fai. Let's give these two some time alone." Mom told Fai. He nodded slightly and followed her out of the pond. Mom paused before leaving the area. "We'll be at the den if you need us. Yelp if something happens." 

             Eyes wide and fur frizzled, Spots and I still gaped at each-other. As he kept staring at me, I looked down at his leg. It was badly injured and was wrapped with vines and leaves. So was his side, but it wasn't as bad. When the tree fell on him he must have rushed out of the way only for his leg and part of his side to get hurt.

              The guilt rushed to me when I realized how badly I hurt him. "Oh my gosh...w-wh-" I murmured while staring at his injuries. He popped back to reality and looked at where I was star ing.  "Short summary.......tree and storm." Spots chuckled quietly while looking at his injuries. "Don't worry, it didn't hurt that much." he said. 

              "Well, um...maybe that's a lie, but..*sigh* I've gotten worse-" Without letting him speak another breath I rushed over to him as fast as I've ever felt my limbs run and resting my chin on his.

                "I-I' sorry!" I cried in his pelt. "It's okay, none of this was your fault." he responded calmly, although I could make out the surprised tone out of his voice. "I shouldn't have rolled that log into the river. I shouldn't have came up with that stupid idea! Now  because of me you're hurt."

                 He rested his head onto my limbs pulling me closer. "Riley, you didn't know the tree would fall on me. And it's not your fault. You were doing what was right..." he told me. I finally let go of him and gazed into his eyes with tears still streaming down my face. "Sometimes, I wish I could be like you. So caring and thoughtful." The blood rushed to my face. 

                 "And because of your choices, you found your family.", "I already did." I replied. "What do you mean?" Spots asked. "When I first met you, it felt like you were my family. And you still are."  I told him. His face flushed red and so did mine. 

                   I didn't know what to do honestly. I didn't know how he reacted. I didn't know if it were good or bad, but know that the truth was out I'd just have to wait and see what happens. "I-I-I....." Spots stammered. All of a sudden he threw himself at me, knocking me over.

                "Think I want some chicken wings right now!" he laughed. I looked up at him, still laying on the ground. "Haha very funny." I replied. He nudged me back up. "No, but seriously..." he told me, now looking into my eyes. "Thank you." 

                 "No problem." I smiled. "Also, I have something to tell you, but...let's not spoil the moment. Let's go swim first." he told me. "Yeah!" We raced each-other to the pond and had the time of our lives. 

                  I can't believe it's all going by so fast. One day I was just a cat pretending to be some bossy she-cat trotting around The Big Apple, hoping to get something to eat in a dumpster, and the next a understanding cat playing with her best friend and family in the forest. I've learned a lot about the world and I feel happier now. Although I know this isn't where my journey ends. 

           There's a lot ahead of me and a lot more for me to learn. I knew from day one that this wasn't going to be an easy life, but I made it work. There's still a ton of of question I need to find out the answer to, but maybe later. For now, I'll appreciate what I have.



Riley & Spots ll book 1 - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now