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c a l l i e

"so callie anything new happening between you and joey" leah asks as ella and dani look at me i shake my head before groaning a little

"nothing is going on between us for christs sake. i take him home when he's drunk that's it can you just drop it now if there was anything going on i would tell you guys obviously" i sat playing with my salad because quite frankly i'm pissed off

they just nod and continue scrolling threw they're phones as i eat. ella squeals and starts to flap her arms around causing a lot of the people in the cafeteria to stare at us

we all turn to look at her and she starts to yell, "cameron dallas just liked my photo!"

she showed us all the phone. "cameron dallas follows me" you could practically hear the smirk in his voice

"shut your mouth lover boy" ella snaps as leah and dani glare at joey who is now sitting beside me.

"hi callie !" he grins towards me i smile back at him, "hi callies friends who are kinda scaring me because you haven't stopped smirking since i sat down" he gave them a sarcastic smile

"hi joey. why are you here?" i ask him we only ever talk when he's drunk or wants food.

"can't i talk to my friend without being asked questions?" he asked raising an eyebrow i shrug in response."i'm here because my friends are annoying me and i want to take a nap so hi i'm going to take a nap"

"okay then" i laugh a little as he rest his head on my shoulder. i look at my friends and they all have they're mouths open wide.

"he's just taking a nap there's nothing special you don't have to stare at him" i laugh but quickly stop when joey starts to move around

joey gets up and lays himself flat on the bench with his head in my lap. people were staring but he was tired so i didn't mind them

"your sure there isn't anything going in between you two?" dani questions raising her eyebrows while motioning to joey who is now asleep in my lap

"one hundred percent sure there's nothing going on. he was just tired" i speak rolling my eyes at her

we sit and scroll in our phones for a while. but our attention is drawn to the sound of a photo being taken

we snap our heads round and see charles standing there with mark and aaron. a blush quickly spread around charles' face ,"whoops"

"why are you taking pictures of us?" i question him. he turns to mark and aaron before all three of them shout ,"hashtag coey"

"what the fuck are you talking about" i ask again , looking at him like he's a crazy person

"can yall shut up i'm trying to take a nap here" joey groans grabbing my sleeve and putting it over his eyes.

"well okay then mr grumpy pants" leah scoffs and joey flips her off earning a gasp from her ,"how dare you! do you know who i am!"

"take servals seats dude. i have one mil on instagram . so do you know who i am!?" joey snaps before cuddling into my hoodie again. leah was speechless ,"well then i think we can all let me nap in peace"

joey takes my hand and puts it in his hair . we all give him confused look and he says ,who doesn't love a head massage?" with s shrug

"okay then" we all laugh and continue with out conversations. the bell rang indicating that lunch was over and everyone began to leave the cafeteria

i shake joey a little bit not wanting to startle him. "joey you have to get up now" i shake him , in reply i get a groan and a huff

he stands up straighter

i sigh and get off the bench grabbing hours hand and pulling him up. "i don't what to callie" he groans and rests his head on my shoulder

"i'm sorry but you have to" i pout at him "come we have maths you can sleep there" he groans grabbing my hand and walking with me to math

we enter the class and everyone looks at us ,"you are late!" miss smith exclaims from a cross the class

"i fell down the stairs and joey was helping me" i lied , if she knew he was asleep she would give him detention. she is a real bitch

she nods her head and tells us to sit down. i walked to my seat and joey walked to his before laying his head on the table.

i'm pretty sure he slept through the whole class but it's all good he can copy my answers.

the bell rang for us to leave the class. one more class then i can go home and play with my puppy

"you fell down the stairs?" dani questions smirking at me, "or was that just a cover for lover boy over there"

"he wouldn't wake up and you know kiss smith she would kill him" i say shrugging it off

"i think you like him" ella speaks and they all nod along with her

"nope we're just friends" i assure

the next class passes by quickly and it's one to leave school.

"bye callie" they wave getting into leah's car before they began to drive off. i wave them off and begin walking to my car

"callie baby?" i hear from behind me, i turn and look at joey. "yeah joey?" i ask looking at him

"macdonalds and movies?" he smiles at me . of course this kid is hungry like always

"sure come on" i gesture him to follow me when he gets beside me he holds my hand swinging our intertwined fingers back and forth

maybe he didn't just do this when he was drunk.

maybe he likes me? no callie don't be stupid

i can't help the blush that fights it's way onto my cheeks

opening the car and getting in he reattached out hands and i drove to macdonalds then to his house making sure to text my dad

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now