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the smell of weed drifted through my nostrils as i walked down the stairs leading to my living room and of course there sat the one the only samuel wilkinson getting high on my $5000 sofa with his feet on my coffee table

"samuel get your feet off my table!" i yelled at the top of my lungs his head immediately snapped towards me and his eyes widened

he jumped up from his spot of the sofa until he was standing upright hands behind his back ,"yes mam!" he saluted as if he was in the army

"we're is your idiotic friend that i call my husband?" i question watching sammys pathetic attempt to hide his blunt ,almost flicking ash on my couch

"he's in the backyard with johnson and skate and skates niece" he responded sighing at the fact he seen that i noticed the drugs in his hand
"sorry" he mumbled

i nod in response and make my way though the house to go and see jack. the door leading to our porch was open indicating that people were out there , i tightened the belt on my night gown because it would be a disaster if it fell or opened. let's just say jack and i had some... fun last night and i was hoping to continue it this morning but obviously that won't be happening anytime soon

i see the three children , yes i'm including jack and skate in that category because ivy ,skates niece, is more mature than both of them put together even though she's only 3. she even knows the alphabet all the way through

i walked over to them and hugged jack from behind ,"why'd you leave me all alone" i pout even though he can't see it

ivy ran/stumbled over to us and i obviously picked her up because she's the cutest thing ever. her tanned skin contrasted with her bright blue eyes. her hair was brown and curly and let me tell you her eyelashes are to die for

i admire her little pink sundress and the flower crown she was wearing. i love kids. they're so innocent and pure

"never mind the cute ones here now" i say smiling at ivy whilst caressing her cheek and bouncing her up and down on my hip

she grins a toothless grin at me as she pats my shoulder with her chubby little fingers. out of the corner of my eye i see jack watching us like a hawk with a slight smile on his face

"i don't get a good morning or anything" skate speaks up from one of my personally designed deck chairs. his life used to be revolves around drugs but since ivy was born he stopped mostly everything he gets high sometimes

you can tell she means the world to him he even got a tattoo of a rose with her name above it and in one of the petals it has her date of birthday. the rose is because her name is really ivy rose but it's just been a thing on calling her ivy ever since she started to come over

i wouldn't mind having a kid but jack isn't mature enough to handle the responsibility's once i bought him a fish because he said he was responsible and wanted a puppy but cutting to the chase the fish died because he forgot to feed it

why didn't i feed it? because i was getting told from jack that he had fed the poor thing but he was probably high when he was talking to me

"wait where's johnson?" i asked noticing the only sensible one in their friendship group wasn't here

jack opened his mouth to speak but a yell from above us stopped him ,"hi callie lovely day isn't?" there was jack johnson on my roof

"johnson we did not build this house for you to stand on the roof come down!" i spoke loudly but not in a yell because ivy was right on my side

"it's fine i was planning on jumping into the pool anyways" he smiled before stripping into his boxers and leaping from my roof and barley made it into the pool considering there's a 15ft gap between my house and the pool

ah another day in my crazy life. my crazy married life

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now