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c a l l i e

i sat up quickly grabbing my chest trying to take a breath my lungs felt as though they were in fire. i roped the mask from my face and once i regained my breathing i began looking around at my surroundings.

i was in a hospital gown , a white chair where an unfamiliar boy slept ,well once slept but once he heard me move he started yelling for a nurse.

my eyebrows furrow as i try and take in everything there's like 5 people surrounding me , touching me. the ringing in my head got louder as if a train was driving through my brain.

"she's awake." one man yelled , in assuming he's the boss because he looks in charge of everyone.

my voice croaks out a inaudible word and i'm grab my throat from he pain. i manage to get out a ,"what am i doing here?" but it most likely sounded as if i had no teeth after all i couldn't feel my tongue.

"hello callie i'm doctor andrews and i'm just going to do a few checks okay?" the boss man said. i nod and he begins looking into my eyes my ears and checking my heart rate and some other boring shit.

"and to answer your question you were in a extremely horrific car crash you probably won't remember a few things for a little while and the crash might not come back to you at all. you were in a hysteric state and a drunk truck driver rammed you off the road whilst he was blacked out. you were in a bad mental state and couldn't control your car. you plummeted a few hundred feet off the edge of the road and a hiker found you. your extremely lucky to be alive today callie. and we're all glad you are especially the young man outside he's been here every day since the accident" he smiled pointing out the door at the boy who was asleep in the couch moments ago.

i couldn't remember him at all. so why would a stranger be here? trying to look after me? it doesn't make sense

"i could bring him in if you like?" doctor andrews asked me and i nodded just because i was curious

the doctor left the room and the boy rushed in.

" omg callie i missed you so much i'm sorry for being an asshole and i'm sorry that i made you upset and ... omg i missed you so much." he cried, literal tears feel from his cheek and onto my hair as he hugged me . it hurt a little but he seemed sad so i dealt with it.

"i'm sorry i don't remember who you are?-" i was cut off

"callie baby i'm so sorry for everything i've ever done wrong. you don't know how bad i felt when i heard you got into that accident and i couldn't help but blame myself because of everything. i'm so sorry callie and i've been wanting to tell you this the entire time you were out. oh lord i love you callie. i love you so fucking much" he kissed all over my head still crying.

i hurt me so bad because i felt as if he was important to me and i couldn't remember him ,"i'm sorry but i don't remember you. i'm so sorry i'm trying to remember i swear but i can't" i cried out as he looked at me his tear stained cheeks and his glossy eyes glistened in the light of the light bulb hanging above us.

"oh okay right i'll help you remember okay?"he said and i gave him a nod and a friendly smile

"okay so my names joey. um we were best friends for 7 months and 24 days exactly but then i made a huge mistake because i was scared and we stopped talking. um you used to pick me up when i was drunk and take me to macdonalds. erm we used to talk all the time and i mean at like 6am we would talk about what flavour of ice cream you were going to buy the next time you were upset and i promised you that i would never let you be sad. but i failed because i made you sad. you used to always hit me if i laughed at you or if i looked at you for too long. we used to go on these little dates but they weren't actual dates because i was too much of a pussy to ask you out. you got high one time with jack gilinsky and his friends and i had to come and get you because you were emotional and i'm not gonna lie i got a little bit jealous. oh yeah for halloween you didn't know what to go as so we stayed in your house because your dad was night shift. we ate lots of sweets and cuddled i gave you a back massage. on your period you used to come to my house when you got cramps and i would as you said "kiss it better" then i would play with your hair until you fell asleep because i wouldn't dare wake you  when you cuddled me it was as if you were scared to let go" he smiled as he played with my hair

joey. joey. joey. joey. as in joey from my dream or was that even a dream. i couldn't tell if he was the joey because i never saw his face until now. i could pick jack out of a crowd but not joey.

" i need some more. i can't quite remember." i spoke quietly because i could tell he was upset

"okay here goes nothing" without another word his lips were against mine.

i could feel a spark- no i could feel nothing

he pulled away frowning

"one more time" i nodded my head and leaned in again. nothing again

"third times the charm?" i laughed he nodded his head and we leaned in for the third time

sparks... i feel sparks. i feel them. we pulled away smiling at one another

"joey birlem" the name popped into my head as his eyes widen and he vigorously nods his head."i remember you"

the door bursted open and in walks my father. " callie your okay thank god your okay. i got here as quick as i could. i missed you princess and i'm sorry i couldn't protect you." he spoke in a husky voice something that only happened when he was going to cry he hugged me and joey left the room.

"i love you" i smiled hugging him as tight as i could. "i love you too callie. i love you too" my father smiled kissing my head and shielding me with his arms as if i was precious cargo.

"you know callie that boy didn't leave this hospital for a year and a half. he cane back everyday even on christmas he brought you flowers. i think he loves you like really loves you. so i'm making an exception for him" my dad smiled as he left the room and joey returned

"so when you get out of here i have the best date planned. that's if your willing to go with me?" he asked looking down at our now entwined hands

"of course i will go with you joey." i smiled as he kissed me again

"no kissing my daughter!" my dad said through the door

"sorry sir" joey said as i laughed and he frowned at me. " i'm so happy your back i feel like dancing but i'm a horrible dancer so i hope you feel how happy i am"

"hey joey?" i asked , he turned his head to me again and furrowed his eyebrows as to say what ," i love you."

"i love you too callie baby"

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now