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aaronmelloul; ella

ayeeitsella; what's up boo

aaronmelloul; i have to tell you something

ayeeitsella; go ahead

aaronmelloul; remember the other day when i went to hang with char and joey?

ayeeitsella; yeah

aaronmelloul; well we ended up playing smash or pass and joey said he'd smash you. then we fought now i really need to know would you leave me for him?

ayeeitsella; wth isn't he dating callie?!?!! no baby i wouldn't leave you for him

aaronmelloul; that makes me so much calmer

ayeeitsella; i've got to go tell callie

aaronmelloul; don't i wasn't supposed to tell anyone

ayeeitsella; sorry babe i have to. sisters before misters

aaronmelloul; ok..

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now