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callierose; where were you?????

joeybirlem; what are you talking about callie i'm in school what's wrong???

callierose; you didn't even come to find out our baby's gender

joeybirlem; i thought that was tomorrow?!?!

callierose; no joey it was today and we waited forever for you and you didn't show

joeybirlem; i'm so so so so sorry

callierose; sorry doesn't cut it joey

joeybirlem; i had tests in so sorry i was stressed and completely forgot about today

callierose; yeah well i don't care just don't miss anything again

joeybirlem; so...

callierose; so what?

joeybirlem; what are we having??

callierose; a girl

joeybirlem; omg i'm gonna have a daughter. i'll have to beat up boys who try and talk to her that's gonna he hard since she's not even born and they're gonna he like 3

callierose; you most certainly will not beat up children. and if she wants a boyfriend she can have one. she can have whatever she wants

joeybirlem; no she will not have a boyfriend until she's 50

callierose; whatever you say but i'll be her favourite

joeybirlem; no i will because i'll be the better parent

callierose; nope she's gonna be a mommy's girl

joeybirlem; i can assure you that she's gonna be a daddy's girl forever.

callierose; nope nope nope nope i will be her favourite because we can have girly time that you can't provide her

joeybirlem; whatever we can have daddy daughter time we're we will play football, soccer ,golf?, we will fight/box and go camping and i'll even bring a hairdryer in case she can't live without clean hair like you

callierose; your so dramatic i can go without clean hair

joeybirlem; i have a class so i'll text you after it okay baby?

callierose; i love you x

joeybirlem; i love you both xxx

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now