bonus chapter 3: puppies?

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i wake up to find callie still asleep and cordelia crying. guess it's my turn to make her go to sleep. this is a ritual honestly cordelia wakes up at 7am every morning and even though she has her own bed she won't get out of it until someone goes and sees her.

i make my way across the hall and through the white door that has "cordelia" across it in sparkling letters.

i walk over to her bed and sit down she looks up at me with glazed eyes and wet cheeks from crying.

"come here bubba what can daddy do to make you go to sleep." i day whilst bringing her into my lap and letting her curl into my arm.

her tiny hand curls into a fist as she sucks in her thumb something neither callie or i did when we were little so we don't know where she got it from.

"how about we go get you some breakfast?" she nods her head and i set her on the ground taking her hand, " let's go wake mommy up."

she ran ahead of me falling on her butt as she tried to get on our bed. i quickly picked her up before she cried and smiled at her because that's the only way to stop her crying.

i walk round to callies side were she is laying in her back and set cordelia down on her stomach. her tiny hands hit callies stomach as she giggled her tiny little head off.

callie peeked open one eye ,"oh you little monster i'm gonna get you." she tickled cordelias sides which made her fall right off her stomach laughing

"i'm making breakfast do you want some?" i ask callie as she attacks our daughter with kisses. she nods her head and i go to walk out ," hey she wants to go with you"

i turn back around and pick cordelia up ,setting her on my shoulders as i'm doing so. i walk down the stairs whilst she pulls my hair ,she has obsession with hair it's weird.

i get to the kitchen and get out two bagels for me and callie. i put them in the toaster and went to get cordelias breakfast ready.

i took her off my shoulder which resulted in her crying and making grabby hands towards me ,"your just like your mom. always wanting my full attention, don't you bubs." i smile at her whilst sitting her in her high chair.

i look through the cupboards looking for something to feed her and come to the conclusion that cereal will do and if she's hungry which she most likely will be i'll make her some toast.

i take out the rice crispies and pour some milk onto them, you could hear them making the sounds they are supposed to ,snap,crackle, pop.

i gave the bowl to her with a spoon and let her eat them. i walk back to the toaster and took out the bagels and cut them in half. i spread some cheese on them and took one up to callie then went back downstairs.

cordelia has finished her cereal so i decided that we could go sit and watch tv for a while. i take her from her high chair, surprisingly she was still clean no cereal on her at all.

"let's go watch paw patrol or something." i say to her and she nods. i sit her between two cushions because she's still little and i don't want her rolling away from me.

i take a bite of my bagel and turn the tv in. paw patrol was already playing because cordelia was watching it before she went to bed last night.

i offer some of my bagel to cordelia and she takes a bite. she only has a few teeth but that doesn't stop her devouring everything she can get her hands on.

as i scroll through my phone i see an ad about some puppies. i watch as cordelia laughs and points to the sky whilst watching the tv and decide that today we're gonna get a puppy.

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now