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c a l l i e

i sat at the table with ella , dani and leah. we haven't made up with her but no one else likes her so we just put up with her

they all engage into a conversation whilst i play with salad that was spread across my tray

i rested my chin on my hand . "how about you callie?" dani shakes me snapping me out my trance

i look between the three ,"what did you say?" i completely zoned out so i had no knowledge on what they're talking for about

"mint choc chip or cookies and cream" leah rolls her eyes . i legit fucking want to hit her with my fork

i shrug and mumble a 'i don't know' i look back down and continue to peck and my salad. leah's words were really getting to me , i mean she's right i don't deserve him

just as it feeling sorry for myself a hand is gently placed on my back and the scent of cologne fills my nostrils. i turn to see a  concerned looking joey

"callie baby, what's wrong? you seem upset" he asks still rubbing my back almost instant making me feel a little better

leah scoffs and joey glares right through her she turns bright red as if she didn't want him to hear her

i look down at our now intertwined fingers before shaking my head and mumbling incoherent 'nothing'

he gently tugs our hands up and says ,"come with me baby" he looks at ella before saying "watch our bags"

he led me in silence to his locker before turning to speak to me ,"callie baby i know something's wrong. you need to tell me so i can help you."

i sigh and shake my head , indicating that i don't want to talk about it. tears start to form in my eyes against my will

if i tell him he's probably just going to laugh at me. he must've noticed my tears because he pulled me into his chest

"tell me what's wrong callie" he said again squishing me a little bit telling me that he's here for me

"you'll think i'm being stupid" i cry into his chest , i don't know where these emotions are coming from but i can usually contain myself and nothing hurts me

"no i won't  baby." he kisses the top of my head swaying us back and forth. i let out a sigh and begin playing with the strings of his hoodie

"leah and i had an argument and she said to me that i didn't deserve you because i was leading you on but honestly i didn't think there was anything going on between us" i cried into his chest taking a deep breath before continuing

"and i'm sorry if i'm leading you on i didn't mean to hurt your feelings i was just oblivious of what was going on around me. but i know she's right so you don't have to pretend to be my friend" i croaked out be shushed me and continued to tick us back and forth

"aww callie. i'm not pretending to be your friend, i actually genuinely like you. i didn't think anything was going on between us, i can tell that your not ready for anything like that so i wouldn't pressure you" he rubbed my back softly

"trust me i don't deserve you . your so amazing and no one in this world deserves you ,callie" he mumbled into my hair

"thank you joey! come on we should go back" i say swinging our arms back and forth

"wait," joey pauses and opens his locker ," put this on" he hands me a hoodie that had a picture of a happy/ sad face on he front and his initials on the cuff

i nod putting it over my head and adjusting the sleeves so my hands could fit out . i take his hand again making the both of us smile

we walk back to my table and i take my seat whilst joey just stands behind me glaring right through leah

"you," he points at her "don't dictate my feelings and opinions. we both agreed that nothing was going on so who are you to say that she doesn't deserve me? hmm that's what i fucking thought. keep your nose out of our 'realationship' from now on ,thanks" he spat

leah was bright red and looked as if someone had just leaked her nudes. which happened once but we covered for her

"oh and don't dare tell her she isn't good enough because one callie is worth a million of you. now i'm going to leave but i hope you have a good day , callie baby" he kisses my forehead before leaving

"i didn't tell him to say that" i quickly spoke looking at my friends who had they're jaws on the table

"that was so adorable omfg. he got all protective , my otp" ella literally crys causing more attention than what was already on us because of the joey situation

"i agree he was so cute. "don't dare tell her she isn't good enough"  or "have a good day, callie baby" dani squeals as leah looks to the ground obviously feeling guilty, i feel bad but yet again i don't she caused it

"callie!" i heard a yell from a few tables down i turn around and see joey waving his arms ,"unblock me now" he laughs before sitting down again

i take out my phone and unblock him before putting it back into his hoodie but my wrist is yanked back up

ella and dani start squealing again ,"this is the cutest thing it has his initials on it omfg" ella yells .

laughter erupts from leah and we all look at her ," what it's hella cute. i'm sorry for being a bitch, my period was so bad and there was no ice cream left" she sighs

we all laugh at her ," i didn't even think about your period i thought you were just being bitchy" i laugh and so does everyone else's 

"i'm sorry for telling him. i thought it would help because you obviously like one another" she shrugs and we just laugh again

well today was eventful

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now