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c a l l i e

jack and i are hosting our business party today. the aim of this party is to expand our business partners.

most of the biggest company's in la are attending tonight so we have to make a good impression. joeys company is coming along too.

hopefully everything goes well. jack has been really stressed because this could potentially mean a lot of profit if he works his charm.

anyway i'm in the process of getting dressed and i have been for 3 hours. allison, my stylist was late this morning so were in a bit of a rush.

so far this is my look;

so far this is my look;

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i know it's simple but i like it

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i know it's simple but i like it. and so does jack because he won't stop touching my hair.

"jack stop this took forever." i whined smacking his hands away from my head. he continued to poke and touch my hair.

"but baby it's so soft. i love it. i love you. i love your hair. i love it all." he smiled that award winning smile at me.

i shook my head in annoyance because he didn't stop. "okay jack this is the last time i'm going to tell you to stop!" i said more sternly even though i'm putting in his hands.

he poured at me before placing a sloppy kiss on my cheek. almost wiping off my contour.

"that's it. no sex for a week" he touched my hair again.

"make that two weeks" he touched my hair again!

"three weeks"

"four weeks"

"you know what mister. no sex for the rest of your life!" i groaned walking away from him he followed behind me with his hands on my hips.

"but callie" he sighed  rubbing my sides up and down. he placed kisses along my shoulder whilst rocking us side to side.

"no jack i told you to stop and you didn't listen now deal with the consequences of your actions and stop being a big baby!" i reply patting some powder onto my cheeks and applying some more lipstick.

"but why can't i be your big baby?" he asked rubbing circles on my stomach. i shook my head as i walked away ," well atleast give me a kiss before you leave me without satisfaction for the rest of my life" he groaned

"no!" i say with finality in my voice.

"pleaseeeee i'm begging you" he dropped to his knees. "jack get up your going to get your suit dirty you dumbass." i yelled at him

"oh my god why did i marry a child!?" i asked my self. i pulled him up and kissed his lips ," now go before i divorce you"

"you wouldn't dare" he put his hands to his heart.

"yes i would now go before i have to" i groaned

"see ya tonight baby whilst we're having the most amazing sex you'll ever experience" he winked pulling my body to his kissing my neck then leaving.


jack and i hold hands as we enter the photographic room. we smiled and held hands some kissing was also seen.

we got into the main hall and we greeted a few of the couples that we wished to partner with.

out of the corner of my eye i see loren and joey walking towards us with full faces. as they came closer they started to smile.

"hi callie, you look lovely" joey smiled pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek. what a gentleman.

"hi joey it's nice seeing you here" i pat his back before pulling away and turning to loren.

she looked absolutely stunning tonight. "you look gorgeous loren!" i squealed admiring her dress.

"as do you" she smiles back even though it's clear that it was fake.

"i'm sorry for interrupting but my parents are over there and we have to greet them" jack smiled politely as he wrapped an arm around my waist escorting me over to katherine and david

we talked for a while before jack left on his own to go and speak to a few old friends. i on the other hand went and sat down at the tables.

"prince charming left you?" a familiar voice spoke as the body sat down beside me.

"well joseph jack is a guy who keeps business and relationship two separate things so here i am drinking just like you used to do" i smiled at him as he grinned back at me

"well callie my fiancé left me too she's away to talk to mark. you remember him right?" he asked

i nodded. we talked for a while longer which lead us to this moment in time. we were having a heated make out session in the disabled bathroom with my dress hiked up around my waist.

joeys lips move down to my neck. i made sure he didn't stay on one spot to long. the sexual tension was so thick that it could be cut with a knife.

one thing led to another and here we are putting our clothes back on after we... enjoyed each other's company.

joeys hands trailed over his face as he schooled his head vigorously. "no no no no" he almost cried

"what's wrong. joey what's the matter?" i asked caressing his cheek

"i just cheated on my wife. i'm such a horrible person." he cried into his hands

"okay callie please don't contact me again." he spoke whilst opening the door and leaving

then it hit me... i'm having an affair

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now