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callierose; id appreciate if you didn't try and fuck up my relationship you fuckwit

aaronmelloul; what?

callierose; yeah joey told me

aaronmelloul; joey was lying

callierose; i can tell when joey is lying and he was telling me the truth

aaronmelloul; did he tell you the part about bragging to us about how good you are in bed

callierose; lol me and joey haven't done anything together dimwit

aaronmelloul; that's not what he said

callierose; oh did i forget to tell you that i told ella and since she's like a sister to me i will personally chop your dick off and feed it to your grandma if you ever hurt her ever again

aaronmelloul; damn

callierose; bye i'm going to my non lying boyfriends house

{i hate this chapter so much}

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now