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bella; are you all packed up for new york?

joey; yeah. i can't wait to get away from everything you know?

bella; i know kiddo your having a hard time rn but remember your favourite sister will always be here for you no matter what.

joey; bella i don't know what to do

bella; it's okay joey your young your feelings are going to change and maybe callie being back into your life has triggered these feeling again

joey: i feel so horrible. i know i shouldn't feel anything towards her because i have loren but i can't help myself

bella; joey it's a normal thing i promise you. and i've it makes you feel any better i didn't like loren anyways

joey; why didn't you say anything!

bella; because you were acting happy

joey; what do you mean acting?

bella; joey i know you. when you two got together you were the most unhappy you had ever been and your acting might have been a1 to everyone else but i see right through that smile

joey; i hate that you know me so well :(

bella; i have to go but remember i'll always understand and be here for you

joey; love you bella x

bella; love you joey x

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now