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j o e y b i r l e m

callie and i walked hand in hand into my house my mom was home nausea she just had my baby brother, kashius.

my heart started beating faster as we approached the living room where she was feeding kashius.

"um mom we need to tell you something?" i said more as a question as if i was questing myself on if we should tell her or not, obviously we ere going to have to but i don't really want to have her yell at me.

"what's up jojo? " she asked lifting her eyes off the tiny baby resting in her arms, he looks like me ya know. he's gonna be a real laddies man. girls are going to be falling at his feet."oh hello callie" she smiled sweetly at my girlfriend, maybe this won't be so hard after all.

callie and i both sat down across from my mom as she started intently at my brother. "well callie is kinda sorta a little bit pregnant" i let out a nervous laugh.

the gaze shifted from the baby to us, her eyes were about to pop out of her head. she was mad but you could tell she was more disappointed. i looked down because i hated seeing her upset at something i've done.

"oh dear lord joey! are you guys sure like 100% sure?" she asked she was over being mad she was now letting her mother instincts kick in. we nodded and callie showed her the test.

"you know i'm gonna have to yell at you guys right? or i wouldn't be a responsible parent!" she said firmly however she was never good at discipline at all she would yell but with kashius in the room she wouldn't.

"ok ok here i go." she told us, "joseph what happened to the don't be silly rhyme huh? i made you memorise that! and callie i hope you know it hurts like a kick up the bahooty when your giving birth. screw that even worse! how could you guys oh lord your not even legal yet! ok i'm done i don't like giving people into trouble"

we both looked at her ,"does your father know callie?", callie shook her head and my mom sighed ,"well you better tell him."

"i'm sorry" i said and my mom looked at me as if i was stupid. i looked down again because i didn't want to see her upset at me.

"why are you sorry? a baby is the greatest thing you could ever be blessed with. they're a pain in the butt sometimes but it's worth everything is worth it. i just wish you would have waited a little bit longer you know? now the last few years of being kids your going to have the responsibility of raising a child. please just be safe from now on okay? i don't need lots of babies running around." she laughed a little.

"we will i promise" callie spoke for the first time since we arrived here.

"okay here comes the awkward part now but i need to know." she took a deep breath and then look at us ," oh god ok. how long ago did you guys uh ya know baby make?" she was embarrassed asking that and i was embarrassed because i was gonna have to answer that.

"um i don't know" i turned to callie," was it lorens party or ariels or the cinema date?" i swear my mom nearly fainted and blushed harder than i ever had before here i am discussing my sex life in front of my mom.

callie shrugged a little ," they were all in the span of like two months." my mom was still talking to kashius, i have to admit it was kinda funny because he was more interested on pulling her hair than listening.

"um we don't know. the first time ever was like a month ago. so it has to be in that time scale." i said to my mom and she nodded.

"right okay we was the last time you guys done it?" my mom looked anywhere but at us. oh lord jesus christ help me.

" um like 3 days ago" i let out a shaky laugh and callie looked anywhere except from my mom.

she nodded," okay then we need to go to the doctors to find out how far along you are. let's go just now and get it out the way then we will go speak to your father." we stood up and handed me kashius as she went to put on shoes and fetch his buggie.

i looked down at him and just began thinking if i'm 9 months time i'm a father i'm going to have to deal with everything my mom does. i'm not sure how it would work because we don't live together but i'm sure we will make it work.

i kisses his cheek and blew on his nose, his tiny hands covered in a small mitten came to his face as he giggled i rocked him back and forth. i blew in his nose again and he wiggled his legs.
i attacked his little face with kisses.

my mom walked through the door with her purse and kash's buggie. let's hope this goes smoothly.


we arrived at the doctors and callie got a scan. it turned out that she's two months pregnant and we have to come back in a month of this exact date.

then we went to speak to values father and it didn't go smoothly at all. he yelled at her he yelled and me and my mom. he threw a plate at my head and told callie that he didn't want her anymore.

he kicked her out because she was pregnant he was supposed to love her. in my opinion i don't even think he is her father. they're so different callie sweet and he's psychotic. callie wouldn't intentionally hurt someone where's as he just tried to kill me.

maybe he isn't her father they look nothing alike. i'm just overthink obviously hers her father i mean she told me so. but what if he wasn't? what if he was just a kind hearted stranger? where is callies mother she never told me about her? maybe callies adopted.

ok i'm getting out of hand here. any ways callie got kicked out now she's living with us until her father stops being a dick head.

as we lay to go to sleep all i kept thinking was. i'm going to be a father. i'm going to be a father.i'm going to be a father.i'm going to be a father.i'm going to be a father. i'm going to be a father.i'm going to be a father.i'm going to be a father.i'm going to be a father.i'm going to be a father.

i'm going to be a fucking father

drunken snapchats ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now